We continued to laugh, when all of a sudden a huge semi-truck rebounded the corner and sped straight towards us.

"Move!" I shouted.

Jorge and I went separate ways to avoid getting hit. I looked back and saw it go after him.

"Oh, no you don't," I say and go to Jorge's aid.

I ride up beside the truck and look at who's behind the wheel. Grey, smirked at me and turned the steering wheel. The truck lurched towards me, I had to turn the other way to avoid it, but of course there had to be a wall there.

I crashed into the wall. Flying forwards I hit a dumpster. I spotted Jorge coming back, Grey close behind him.

"Victoria!" Jorge yelled.

Grey, pulled out a gun. Only it looked more like a Krang gun! I watched as Grey hit Jorge square in the back. Him and the bike crashed into the building.

"No!" I yelled running over, and stopped when I saw Grey.

Jorge was still breathing, but out cold. Grey pulled up, he had Krang guys with him, too. He held the gun to Jorge's head.

"One wrong move and your little friend gets it," Grey said in his thick, deep voice.

"Okay, you got me, just don't hurt him," I say slowly.

"And just as a precaution," Grey threw a knife at me.

The knife sliced my left arm. It was covered in strange pink goo, it seeped into my cut causing it to sting a bit.

"Now, try not use any of your fancy powers, freak," Grey said,"that won't let you."

"What do you want?" I asked angrily.

I kept my eyes on Jorge's body. His chest rising up and down, but his breathing grew ragged.

"Come with us and I'll explain on the way," Grey said.

I looked from Jorge, to Grey, and to the gun pointed at Jorge's head. I sighed and went with Grey. He tied up Jorge and put me in cuffs. We were thrown in the back of the van.

"Now, spill," I demanded.

"You know Mr.Cruz here owes us some money, so let's just say I'm getting something better out of this...revenge," Grey spoke.

He had a gun pointed at me and Jorge.

"Against what?" I said.

"You, for ruining my business," Grey said,"the lions and I haven't made any money because of you. So now, I want revenge, and when I met the Krang I also met an opportunity at revenge."

"Ok, so what does this pink goo have anything to do with it?" I referred to my arm.

"That, my dear, will prevent you from using your powers. The Krang were able to modify an anklet you used to have and make it so they now have a stock of that pink stuff." Grey said.

"Great," I said sarcastically,"so now what? You gonna kill us? Cause we have friends that'll beat your ass to the ground if you do."

"Don't worry, you're not going to die...yet. Not until I have my way with you," Grey said.

I mentally gagged at this.

"Mr.Cruz here, will most likely succumb to Krang experiments, but by the loo of it...he doesn't have long to live," Grey grinned.

I picked my foot up and kicked Grey in between the legs. I had a good aim, since he was sitting in front of me.

Grey, immediately went into a fetal position on the floor of the van. He groaned and became pale faced.

"You're-going to-regret-that," Grey managed.

"No, actually, I don't think I will," I said proudly.

The van lurched to a stop. I was flung forward. Landing on top of Jorge's body, I carefully had to get up.

The door flew open. Dozens of Krang men stood there. Behind them a huge dangerous looking machine was set up. We were at the docks.

"Oh, shell," I said.

"Agh, take-him," Grey groaned.

Jorge was placed on a table and wheeled towards the machine. I watched as they strapped him to it.

"No," I said.

"Yes," Grey said, pulling me back into the van.

I was beyond panicking. My best friend is about to die and I'm about to lose something that's very important to a teenager.

"Like I said, you are gonna regret it," Grey said, gripping my neck.

"And like I said, no I'm not!" I said.

I hit my forehead on Grey's nose, he let go of me and I gripped his now blading nose.

"You bitch," he said.

I kicked his head and he immediately went out cold. Opening the doors of the van, I jumped out.

"Krang begin the process known as the process of total annihilation," One of the Krang said.

My heart skipped a beat, I ran and dodged the lasers they started firing. Grabbing an old pipe, I hit the nearest Krang. The brain part popped out and ran off squealing.

"Who's next?" I said spinning the pipe.

I fought past the Krang. I turned my attention to Jorge.

"The one known as Victoria, will not succeed in what is know as-" I cut the stupid Krang off, by beheading it with the pipe.

"I will succeed," I spat at the Krang bot.

Quickly I unstrapped Jorge from the table. Hoisting him over my shoulder I made my way back to the lair.


"This all my fault," I muttered.

When I brought Jorge back, Donnie quickly got to work. He had internal damage and it didn't look any better on the outside. Bruises marked his back and the skin was badly burned.

"He has a 10% chance of making it," Donnie had said.

I was sitting beside Jorge, who laid face down on the table in Donnie's lab. Nothing could describe how I felt. It was a mixture of sadness, guiltiness, and anger.

"Hey, you all right?" I turned my head towards the doorway, where Cody stood.

"Yeah," I said.

"Look, it's not your fault-" I cut him off.

"Yes, Cody, it is. If I had stayed by his side, and helped him out, maybe he wouldn't be in this position," I said.

Cody stays silent. I looked at Jorge's bruised body. I felt anger. Anger towards myself, towards the Krang, Grey, and I also felt...weak.

I stood up, and before Cody could say a word, I left the lair. I couldn't stay there with Jorge like that. I headed towards a place where I could clear my head and take out my anger.


I'm soooo sorry!! I couldn't upload yesterday because I had so much school work to do, not to mention my report card came home, which was okay. Again, I'm sorry. Please forgive me! I will upload next Friday, promise!

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