Chapter 4

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Cody, Jorge and I were hanging out backstage, when Louis walked past me saying to watch his performance.

"Why does he want you to watch?" Cody asked.

"Apparently there a 'secret message' in his song," I shrugged.

"I've been meaning to ask, who's Shana?" Cody said.

"She's a b*tch. Simple as that, she auditioned, but didn't make it. Now she's moved to Japan," Jorge said.

We heard Louis start talking on stage. I was a little curious to find out what his song was, so I tuned out Cody and Jorge and listened to Louis start singing.

~~~~~~Animals starts playing~~~~~~~

I listened, and started to walk to the side of the stage. I could see him singing, no one saw me except him because of the curtains. As he sang he kept glancing over at me. I turned to walk away, but I realized I couldn't.

"That little fucker," I muttered, he had made a vine wrap itself around my foot so icloud to walk away. I looked around and made sure no one was looking. Then I froze the vine and shattered it.

"Why did you leave us like that?" Jorge asked me.

"Are you angry?" Cody asked.

"No, I'm just making making this face because I'm constipated," I said sarcastically, "yes, I don't know why, but the stupid song Louis is singing is getting to me!"

"Hey, I like the song, but the way he's singing it... not so much," Jorge said.

"Yeah," Cody agreed.

I growled. When the song ended Louis wink at me when he walked by, it took every ounce of restraint I had to not go over to him and bash his head in.

They called the finalist to the stage, and to my luck I had to stand beside Louis. I tried to put as much distant in between us as possible. There were two other finalists. I didn't really care enough to learn their names, though.

The judges asked each of us questions, they asked us what we thought about the competition... Things like that.

Then they asked us what we plan to do with the prize money. I didn't know there was any money involved. No one said anything.

"I did it even know there was any prize money involved," I shrugged.

"Then why did you join this competition?" Brady asked me.

"I'm doing this for a friend, they told me I had to or else they would upload a video of me to the Internet," I replied truthfully.

"So, if they didn't blackmail you, you wouldn't even be here?" Noel asked.

"Nope," I said popping the P. "I only sing in private, to get my mind off things. Even then I don't think I can sing, other than this competition I've never sang out in public."

"Very well," Brady said, "you are all dismissed. We will go over some things and announce the winner in a few."

I walked off stage and over to Jorge. I had a few things to ask him.

"Did you know about the prize money? Why didn't you tell me? Why do you want me to win so badly?" I piled questions onto him.

"Victoria!" Jorge said, I stopped with the questions, "look, I need the prize money to pay off some people I know."

"What? Who, you know I could've helped you deal with them. Why?"

"My parents, when they left I didn't have any money. So I did a few things for a gang called the Roaring Lions to earn some cash."

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