Chapter Twenty Eight - Serafina

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I'll admit, my plan is taking longer than I expected. It's been three weeks, and he hasn't let me out of his site. We wake up, have sex, eat breakfast. After that, we ride to the compound and stay there more or less through all hours of the night. We eat there, have sex, and then go home. ... and sometimes we have sex at home before bed.

"Aren't you sick of me?" I ask, laying flat on my back on the little sofa in his office. Tossing a rubber band ball up and down in the air, I catch it one last time and start pulling the bands off, one by one.

"What?" he quips, not bothering to look up from his laptop.

"We have spent every single day together for the last twenty-one days. Aren't you tired of me?"

One corner of his mouth draws up in that arrogant little smirk he has perfected. "No."

"Oh, good..." I shoot a rubber band at him, disappointed that it misses by a mile.

His phone rings, and he answers with a single word. "Yes?"

Face unreadable, he listens for a while, not saying anything else. "Fine," he finally says after a bit. "We'll be there."

Sitting up, I can't help but let my excitement show. "We'll be there?" I ask when he sets the phone back down. "We're going somewhere?"

"Oh, and just when I thought you were getting sick of me," he deadpans, closing his laptop. "Get dressed, we're taking the bike."

I don't even ask where we're going, it honestly doesn't matter. It isn't the Gang of Wolves' compound, and it isn't his house, so that's an improvement.


Flicking through the clothes that Renfrey picked for me, I choose a white shirt and tight jeans. Since we're riding, I'll need a jacket and boots. He's texting on his phone when I come out. Sitting on the bed, knees wide, he looks up and motions for me.

With two hands on my hips he says, "I need you to be good tonight."

A smile creeps across my face. "Aren't I always?" I purr.

"No, kisa, you aren't."

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now