Twinkling Epiphany_Midnight Arousal_Part 1

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The night was treacherously long, and she was uncomfortably attacked by the pangs of tiredness.

Wrapping up early seemed the most


She had just pulled off her duvet over her torso, when her cell beeped with an incoming call.

The unknown number flashing on the screen shuffled her mindset a bit, and she kept on disconnecting the

calls at random.

She moved off from her bed, to the kitchen to gulp in a glass of water, when the doorbell alarmed someone's midnight arrival.

She wouldn't care to admit that the untimely call did scare her to an extent.

She wasn't prepared for a bombshell at that time of the hour.

The pendulum sounded at peace, counting the hours to morning.

With her heart in her mouth, she walked over to the door, tripping a little on the way.

Peeping in through the keyhole was gruesome, and she was indeed one courageous girl.

With steady steps, she turned the knob and adjusted the door to have a close look at the midnight stranger.

But all she could feel were tiny drops

accumulating on her iris, and her steady hands quivering at the sudden outburst of emotions.

The shivering lips and the audible incoherent heartbeats narrated a different tale.

'Cause standing infront of her was the hale and hearty Randhir Singh Shekhawat.

The Randhir, she had left long back.

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