Chapter 166: Delicate Feeling

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The three of you stand off rather awkwardly in the pavilion. Luckily, the venue is seldom visited so no one is likely to witness this. Yin Zhen stares in your direction, but you have no idea if he's looking at you or the lake behind you.

Fu Heng: Would you mind affording us privacy, Your Highness?

Yin Zhen:I'm right where I want to enjoy the scenery.

Fu Heng: [Looks at you] Perhaps we should find somewhere else to talk, my lady?

Yin Zhen: She says "No".

Fu Heng: Shouldn't you let her decide for herself, Your Highness?

Xiu Ying: (This is great! Can someone tell me why they're doing this? When did they become enemies?)

Xiu Ying: [Clear throat] Calm down, you two. If there's a misunderstanding you should work it out...

Yin Zhen: Misunderstanding? You are obtuse, aren't you?

Just when you're thoroughly confused, you catch two familiar figures from the corner of your eyes and get an idea.

Xiu Ying: Third Prince! 14th Prince!

Yin Zhi and Fu Heng turn and look at the scene with bewilderment. 

14th Prince: [Trots over] What are you all doing here?

You latch onto Fourteen like he's a lifeline and pull him aside.

Xiu Ying: There seems to be a problem between Fu Heng and Fourth Prince. Do you know anything about it?

14th Prince: [Bright eyed] I do.

Xiu Ying: [Distraught] I just don't know what to do. Can you help...

You are yanked from behind before you can finish.

Yin Zhen: Why did you get so close to Fourteen? What don't you want me to hear?

A scabbard presses on Yin Zhen's grip just as quickly.

Fu Heng: Pardon me for the insolence, but please let go for her sake.

Yin Zhen: Do you know what's between me and her...

You immediately flash back to the kiss under the cold lake in Prince Jin's manor and blush. You decide to interrupt Yin Zhen before it gets out of hand.

Xiu Ying: Fancy that everyone's here! Why don't we play a game of chess?

14th Prince: How do we play chess with four people?

Xiu Ying: Two of you three play, the third be the referee... As for me, I should turn in!

You left without waiting for them to react. This is getting complicated. You should try another date with Fu Heng another time. You don't slow down until you're far enough away. This only confuses you about men even more. Is this how they usually get along with each other? You come across a figure leaning on a rock, his gold lens sparkles faintly in the dim moon. It seems he has been waiting for you.

Xiu Ying: [Astounded] Third Prince? How did you beat me here?

He was in the pavilion with the others when you left. How did he beat you to this spot?

Yin Zhi: You're too slow. I've been waiting for a while now.

Xiu Ying: You're waiting for me? What for?

Yin Zhi: Come here.

Xiu Ying: [Stunned] Why?

Yin Zhi: Don't ask why, just do it!

You skittishly follow Yin Zhi behind the rock.

Xiu Ying: What are we doing?

Yin Zhi: Be quiet and find out.

Massive footsteps soon pass you by into the distance. You peek and, to your surprise, see Yin Zhen, Fu Heng, and Fourteen.

Xiu Ying: [Curiosity piquing] Are you guys playing hide and seek?

Yin Zhi turns to you but it's too dark to make out his expression. The long silent pause makes you wonder if you said anything wrong. Then you hear him chuckle. The Yin Zhi you know has always been dead serious, so you never expect him to ever laugh.

Yin Zhi: How was life from the capital these last two years?

Xiu Ying: It was okay and not okay at the same time.

Yin Zhi: Is it okay when you got lucky, and not okay when you weren't?

Xiu Ying: [Laugh] How did you know?

Yin Zhi: Because that is how your tiny brain thinks.

Xiu Ying: [Complaining] Third Prince!

Yin Zhi: It's getting late. You should retire.

Xiu Ying: Did you wait for me just to ask how my life was?

Yin Zhi: Nope.

Xiu Ying: Then what is it?

Yin Zhi: [Whispers] Wanted to make sure who you were thinking about in the two years.

Xiu Ying: What did you say? I didn't quite hear that.

Yin Zhi: You hear wrong. I didn't say a thing. Now go on home.

You walk away without seeing the affection on his face as he watches you leave.

You walk away without seeing the affection on his face as he watches you leave

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