Chapter 54: In Case of Future Trouble

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The last rain of winter comes fast and Hard. Light is dim in the rain. The figures of people flicker as the wind moves the lanterns. You leave you room and step into the water. Moving quickly and nervously, you walk to a secluded hallway. Eunuch Gui, holding and umbrella, looks like he's been waiting a while.

Eunuch Gui: Why are you so slow? It's storming and freezing out here.

Xiu Ying: Sorry. I'm not good with making pillows, and I can't ask an embroiderer since it needs to be secret. That's why it took so long.

Eunuch Gui: The pillow is ready, and I have the poisoned grass too. Just put it in. Be careful though, it's a rare grass.

Xiu Ying: I hear this grass makes people hallucinate and act insane after sleeping on it for a prolonged period. Well, then the Crown Prince would... Hope he has some sweet dreams.

You smirk as you finish speaking. You pretend that you didn't notice someone was watching you, and let the person leave quickly.

As you are passing the pillow to the Crown Prince at the Eastern Palace, Zhuxi charges through the door.

Zhuxi: Stop! The pillow is poisoned!

Zhuxi yells and runs to grab the pillow. She's a very strong fighter. It takes her no effort to rip the pillow into pieces. The cotton and poisoned grass fillings of the pillow are revealed. Zhuxi gives you a look of victory.

Xiu Ying: [Surprised] Ms. Qiu Ying what's this about?

As Zhuxi only wants you dead, she waits until she can catch you red handed rather than telling on you right away.

Crown Prince: [Outraged] How dare you! What are you doing!

Zhuxi: Your Highness, I heard her loud and clear. Xiu Ying put poisoned grass in the pillow! Look, it's right here. She wants to hurt you!

Zhuxi takes the grass out and tries to explain, but only to receive a slap from the Crown Prince.

Crown Prince: [Furious] I warned you to leave Xiu Ying alone. Were you deaf?

Zhuxi: Sir, I'm only here to protect you from Xiu Ying! She's not what she looks like. She's a complete fraud! Look, this is the poisoned grass...

Crown Prince: What is all this nonsense. I commanded her to make this! This pillow is to go to the Fourth Prince!

Zhuxi is stunned. Her eyes filled with disbelief.

Zhuxi: But I heard... No I can't have heard wrong!

Xiu Ying: The hallucinating grass is rare, but now it's all ruined by Ms. Zhuxi. It is unfortunate, but our plan to take down the Fourth Prince will be delayed. If Zhuxi really wants the best for your, she should have told you directly, instead of rushing in to destroy the pillow. She just wants me dead.

Crown Prince: Way to ruin my plans. Guards, take Zhuxi away, I don't ever want to see her again!

Zhuxi: [Panicking] Sir, Zhuxi is the most loyal to you. Are you really doing this?

After all, Zhuxi has served the Crown Prince for many years. The Crown Prince hesitates from her words. You capture the hint of hesitation, and destroy it from the bottom.

Xiu Ying: Zhuxi doesn't like me, but, it's one thing to think ill of me, and another to sabotage me, when we all should be serving you together. Things like this are going to happen over and over if she acts like this.

Crown Prince: [Sternly] What are you standing around for? Take out away!

Two guards rush in from outside, each taking one of Zhuxi's arms.

Zhuxi: [Struggling] You! You set me up, didn't you! Your Highness, I'm sincere to you. Don't do this!

Xiu Ying: [Quietly] Your Highness, with Zhuxi's brash temperament, it's probably best to keep her quiet... otherwise...

Crown Prince: Cover her mouth and take out of here now!

The rain finally stops after days of downpour. Each gust of wind is like razors slicing through the bones. You step out the Eastern Palace and look to the deep night sky. It looks just like you heart, a bottomless pit.

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