Chapter 89: Prepare for the Ceremony

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After your class, you stay behind in the pavilion to take in the scenery. Suddenly feeling inspired, you grab a piece of parchment and begin to paint. The autumn breeze feels a little cold, but warm sunlight fills the space. You watch it spill through your fingers and feel at peace in your heart. You place your brush down on the table and nod to yourself in satisfaction. Off to the side, a man clears his throat and you jump in fright. Turning around, you see the Emperor standing behind.

Xiu Ying: Your Majesty! You were very quiet coming in! You scared me half to death!

Emperor: My apologies. You looked so absorbed in your task, I didn't want to disturb you. [Turning his attention to your painting] Let me see what you've painted. Is it.... a bare branch?

The Emperor's tone and countenance seem full of disdain. It makes you feel embarrassed, and puts you on the defensive.

Xiu Ying: [Pointing to the leafless tree outside the pavilion] Autumn's like that, is it not?

Emperor: To others autumn means fragrant olive, ginkgo, and maple leaves, but to you, it means dead wood. What kind of girl are you?

Xiu Ying: (I'm not - if you count my past lives, I'm an old maid...)

You feel like blowing a raspberry at the Emperor, but decide to throw a theatrical sulk instead.

Emperor: Thinking about it, I haven't seen you for a while. Why don't you visit me? Only yesterday, Consort Rong was asking after you in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Hearing Consort Rong's name, you feel conflicted. Finding courage you didn't know you had, you ask him.

Xiu Ying: Your Majesty, why did you pick Consort Rong?

The Emperor looks at you, then sits down on a stone seat and speaks to you in a soft voice.

Emperor: I know she sometimes does silly things, but she really is the best candidate for Empress. Her father and brother are both important men. They have sacrificed a lot for our dynasty. Most importantly, she is dignified and well-respected. She has a motherly way about her, and the palace is quiet and orderly under her administration.

You feel even more conflicted now. The Emperor knows Consort Rong has been unkind, but he is choosing to turn a blind eye to her misdeeds, on account of her family connections and her ability.

Emperor: [Pointedly] I thought Consort Rong would be the best choice from the very beginning.

Xiu Ying: (It's just as Ertai said, the Emperor needs a strong wife, not a kindhearted wife.)

Consort Rong was destined to be Empress from the very beginning. Thinking about her behavior, you feel a strong sense of injustice, as well as helplessness.


Early winter, the first day of snow. An auspicious date has been chosen for the Empress's coronation. The palace is bustling with servants and guests preparing for the great day. Being a lady of leisure, it is not your task to light lanterns or hang banners. Your plans for the day involve taking a little heater down to Shu Xian's chamber to roast some chestnuts. Passing through the embroidery room, you hear the Stewardess berating the seamstresses about a problem with the Empress' ceremonial robe. Do you go over and offer your assistance?

Xiu Ying: (Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Now is my chance!)

You creep closer. The Stewardess is still at the peak of her rage, and addresses you abruptly.

Stewardess: I'm sorry, my Lady, but the servants are very busy right now. This is no place for a noblewoman like yourself.

Xiu Ying: [Forcing a smile] Peace, good stewardess. There's no need to be so angry. What happened? Maybe I can help.

The Stewardess is obviously still very angry, but she forces herself to answer you politely.

Stewardess: There's a problem with the Empress's gown. They cannot get it right! And they call themselves seamstresses!

Embroiderer A: [Grumbling] It's because you insisted we use gold thread. The Chief said it looked terrible, and we got the blame...

Stewardess: What are you talking about? Grumble, grumble, grumble. GET ON WITH YOUR WORK!

Xiu Ying: Gold thread isn't bad idea, but it can look a bit gaudy if not done carefully. Why don't I take a look? I might be able to help.

Stewardess: [Skeptically] The Empress's gown must look right. If it doesn't, the Emperor will not be pleased.

Xiu Ying: I'll just take a quick look. Let's put our heads together and see if we can fix it.

The Stewardess turns aside, allowing you into the room. The seamstresses bring over the Empress's gown. For the past few days, Noble Lady Chun has been helping you with your needlework and you've improved by leaps and bounds. One look and you can see the cause of the problem.

Xiu Ying: The gown is looking very good, but black thread could be used in this area to darken the gold. Twist them together - it will look elegant and not so gaudy...

Stewardess: [Interjecting] I must say, your method sounds very crude. I suggest you go about your business, my Lady.

The Stewardess looks very worried, and you're about to take your leave when the seamstresses block your path.

Embroiderer A: My Lady, I think your idea might work. Tell us how it works, and we'll give it a try.

The other seamstresses voice their support and the Stewardess is forced to give way. You point out where the gown need some extra work and they busy themselves, making all the changes you suggest. As the sun goes down, the work on the gown is completed. The Stewardess looks at the transformed gown in total amazement, all her criticisms turned to praise. The altered gown is very well received at court, much to your relief.

 The altered gown is very well received at court, much to your relief

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