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It's probably nothing to worry about , Chan thinks as he exits the chat and looks back at Felix. The younger was animatedly telling about a new waffle recipe he wants to try that uses cake batter and confetti sprinkles; if Felix wasn't bothered, then he shouldn't be either.

"I want some of those waffles"

"Felix oppa you're so good at cooking!"

Chan smiles and sends, "Make Chan-hyung more cookies. He misses them"

"Yongbokkie, do you prefer brownies or cookies?" Felix reads aloud before tapping his chin in thought. "Hm, I would have to say brownies. Nothing's better than like a warm and fudgy brownie. Everybody except Minho-hyung prefers cookies though so when I make them, I make a lot . Jisungie and Hyunjin-hyung like the crunchier ones while Channie-hyung likes the chewy ones with extra chocolate chips so I normally make those. "

That gives the alpha a fuzzy feeling in his chest, selfishly very pleased that Felix makes cookies a certain way just because he knows that they are Chan's favorite; he used to think that the younger Aussie had preferred them too but now he has to wonder how long exactly Felix has been leaving subtle hints of his feelings for the eldest. Could they have been together for years if he had just stopped being so oblivious? If he had refrained from bro-zoning the freckled man so many times?

Sometimes his overthinking mind can reflect for hours on all the signs he had missed. Like the gaze Felix gets on his face when listening to him speak sometimes or the times where Felix jokes about their outings being dates or the practices that Felix decides to add a little quirk to the routine and instantly looks to him for approval.

Nobody makes Felix cry faster than Mrs. Lee and Chan. Nobody makes Felix laugh louder than Jisung and Chan. Nobody makes Felix sleep in longer than when he's cuddled up with Seungmin or Chan. Nobody makes Felix feel more comforted and safe and loved and good enough than Chan.

The constant here is Chan and it always has been; hopefully, it always will be. Because, truthfully, Chan was just as smitten.

Felix suddenly stiffens over the screen, throwing a glance over his shoulder at the door. He stares for a few moments before turning back to the camera. "What? Oh, I thought I heard someone knock..."

Chan frowns, not having heard anything over the feedback of the video and the rest of Stay didn't seem overly concerned if their backdoor jokes were anything to go by.

Felix knocks three times on the table and squeaks out, "Hey, you wanna come in?" Before erupting into a fit of giggles, obviously playing along with the turn the comment section took.

"But seriously? I'm sure I just knocked my foot into the wall or something," the younger Aussie says afterward, looking back down at his phone to pick a new song.

And although Chan wants nothing more than to believe him, he couldn't help but eye that window warily and wonder if he imagined the remnants of a shadow briefly eclipsing the view.



Hey, are any of you guys at the company today?

Delivered 12:31pm ∣∣ Read 12:32pm


No, we're on break


Sent 12:32pm ∣∣ Read 12:32pm


Just wondering

Sorry for bothering you

Delivered 12:32pm ∣∣ Read 12:33pm



Is everything alright?

Sent 12:33pm ∣∣ Read 12:33pm


Everything is fine! Don't worry about it:)

Delivered 12:33pm ∣∣ Read 12:34pm

Chan looks up at the laptop grimly; he is a bit on edge but being paranoid is just going to freak people out, not fix anything. His alpha side is overprotective is all; he's probably worried over nothing ( Manager-nim is looking into the anonymous viewer from last time; there are extra security cameras outside the dorm; everything is fine).

And Felix was jamming out to Candy Pop by Twice so obviously he isn't thinking about it too much. Breathe.

"You have a sweet tooth today, Lix?"

"A lot of these songs are sugar related"

"I think it's cute how hyper you are right now!"

Red4Lix00: "Will you be my candy pop?"

It takes the older brunette a few blinks before he focuses on the comment, not thinking much of it at first but now unable to look away. A Red4Lix00; he had yet to see the username before that particular comment. It makes him unnerved but perhaps it's out of slight clinginess towards his omega, not wanting to share Felix more than he has too. He feels ashamed for even being bothered by the silly comment (he has had people call him their Daddy for crying out loud; he needs to chill out).

"Your candy pop?" Felix smiles mischievously, "Sorry but I don't pick favorites!"

Chan smiles, thinking contently, because I am already his favorite.

Red4Lix00: "Aw why? I'd be a good alpha for you: the best."

And like that, the smile is gone, replaced by a pinch to his brows at the username of Red4Lix00 . They are persistent, he'll give them that.

"Who says I need an alpha?" Felix replies cryptically, "Besides, I will be all of Stay's candy pop!" He winks playfully at the camera. "I don't just belong to you." Then he giggles and adds, "I'm not up for grabs."

"Lee Felix: icon of independence"

"Ouch, you were both friendzoned and rejected"

"Candy pop Yongbokkie!"

Red4Lix00: "Is that what you said to Chan too?"

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