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Chan frowns, sitting up to coax Felix's head to rest against the crook of his neck as a sense of protectiveness drifts through the room. " This is the real you though; that's nothing to be ashamed of ," the alpha said firmly, sharing a look with the others for disagreement. There was none.

"I'm a freak! Boys aren't supposed to be omegas! "

"That's not true", Seungmin chimed in hesitantly, "I used to have a friend that was an omega. He had to take some hormone suppressants to prevent his heat but other than that, nobody saw a difference. It's rare, not wrong."

"B-But I'll cause trouble with the media: they'll think I lied to everyone about being a beta this whole time and it's not like I can tell them the truth either now! You even said in 'Fam' that play-on-words lyric about no one being beta than me. The group will be hit and have to suffer just because I'm- I'm not normal. I-I'll have to leave or be kicked o-out or-"

"Felix, look at me," Chan commanded softly, waiting until the boy's watery eyes met his before continuing, "There is nothing wrong with you. We don't care that you're an omega , honestly. You're still Felix even if you have a different scent, you're still our Yongbokkie. Don't worry about the media or fans or JYP or anything, okay? We'll take care of it. We'll figure it out; we always do. We still want you here, with us, in Stray Kids; I still want you here. You deserve to be part of this group no matter your classification and I'm not going to let anyone tell you otherwise. And if somebody wants you gone, they are going to have to go through me first."

"Me too!" Jisung said, jumping up from his seat with a fiery determination in his eyes.

Minho crossed his arms, "And me."

Hyunjin gave a sly smile, "Me as well. Nobody will lay a finger on our precious Lixie."

"I'll fight someone too!" Jeongin cried enthusiastically, hopping off the couch with a wicked grin.

"I'm here for you, Lix," Seungmin assured with a comforting smile as Changbin gave his head a light pat.

His mask was broken, revealing adamant eyes and a fond quirk to his lips, "We all are; vanilla can be the new snickerdoodle for all I care."

Felix laughed, sniffing as he looked at his pack with an earnest gratefulness. "I love you guys."

Everybody smiled, collectively joining Chan in the squeeze fest at the center of the couch for a group hug.

"We love you too."

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ 乇𝕟ⓓ ᗝғ 𝓟𝐀я𝐭 Ⓞᶰ𝐞 ♥

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