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The younger jumps and slams down his phone into his lap, "Huh? Sorry I- I wasn't listening. "

"Stay asked what your best hair color was. I said pink but they really like the black ."

"Oh- Um-" Colors colors, why can't he think of frickin colors? That stupid anonymous user threw him off! "Red..? Yes, red; I liked the red."

"Spoken like a true alpha~"

"Red haired Chan was superior; his eyes would almost match the shade sometimes"

Anonymous User:"Why not blue?"

Felix jolts in his seat. They know they know they know.

"Blueprint was a good look," Chan agrees although the warmth in his tone wasn't as prevalent when he saw the other's stiff posture and rough swallow.

Anonymous User:"It could match your eyes too."

Felix's hands clenched into fists in his lap at the second comment, seeing Chan subtly scoot his chair a little closer to him before putting on a random song that the omega was much too nervous and angry to recognize.

"Felix with colored contacts is amazing~"

"Yes, you have such sparkly eyes oppa!"

"Blue hair felix with blue colored contacts: Boyfriend Material"

Anonymous User:"He doesn't even need the contacts."

He inhales sharply, leg beginning to bounce in the chair at the unbridled nerves coursing through his veins.

Anonymous User:"Just have Chan growl;)"

His face blanches, the English words blaring against the screen and plethora of Korean letters like it was a shark among the crystal clear waters of the Great Barrier Reef. And he knew that as soon as Chan's hands moved away from the keyboard, he had seen it too because instead of coming to the rests of the chairs, he slides the pack of sticky notes closer and scribbles on it with a dying pen, "Same person from earlier?"

Subtly, Felix nods and sucks in his bottom lip to apprehensively chew on.

Chan taps the table with the pen and the other gives the note a quick glance, "Ignore them."

What do you think I've been doing for the past half an hour, he wants to snap but he knows that taking out his panic and frustration on Chan would not achieve anything. They are messing with you; they are just trying to get a reaction. If you make a big deal, they'll know that their teasing is correct. Just breathe. They have no proof unless you give it to them. For now, he waits.

The song ends, Chan makes a remark about his favorite lyric and how deep he feels the meaning is. Felix watches the chat closely as he gives a less than enthusiastic quirk of his lips and nods again. He doesn't trust his voice to work.

Anonymous User:"You presented at that Vlive."

Ignore it, ignore it.

Anonymous User:"But it wasn't what everyone expected, huh?"

Ignore it, ignore it, ignore it. They don't know; they can't know.

Anonymous User:"Chan's alpha urges just couldn't resist hanging off of you."

Ignore it, they don't know anything. They weren't there. They wouldn't have been there.

Anonymous User:"You're a danger to the rest of the group."

"Does anyone know what this person is talking about?"

"Was that what happened at the vlive? Felix really did present?"

"Why is oppa a danger?"

Ignore it, pretend it isn't there; pretend everyone isn't talking about it; pretend this isn't happening. Only people that were there would know. This person wouldn't know.

Anonymous User:"Careful, now; you might attract some unwanted attention."

Felix completely freezes; he doesn't want to breathe. He knows what's happening. He knows that he really forgot to put on his scent blockers; he knows that distress omega pheromones are glazing the air like it's a freshly fried donut as Stage-Felix takes a seat on his lawn chair with a bucket of popcorn and Omega-Felix runs around frantically throwing sugar into the breeze and Real-Felix is a popsicle waiting to be devoured by the zealous fans.

And then Chan, his sweet and caring alpha leader, tentatively sniffs the cocktail of vanilla syrup and slightest hint of salt from the Tasman sea before his instinct to protect his pack, his omega, kicks in and his voice says in a tone clearer than a pheromone-muddled brain should be able to muster, "Did someone say they are having connection problems? I swear it's the door messing with the router or something, lemme go check." The man is up from his seat but Felix knows from the serious set to his features that there was nobody complaining about Wi-Fi. Chan locks the door. He does not return to his chair immediately though; instead, he mouths while still off screen, "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you; just breathe."

And Felix does, for a mere moment; he inhales and feels comforted that the fear of alphas breaking down the door to discover an idol in their company is a male omega is no longer a major threat. But then his eyes trail back to the chat.

And there, in cryptic English that only Felix Lee and Christopher Bang would understand, it says, "I know what you are."

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