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"Hello Stay~ Greetings from," Chan giggles, casting a quick glance at the boy hiding beneath the table before looking back up at the screen, "Bum-bumba dum- Chan's Room!" He raises his hands and does a little faux crowd-cheering which earns a snort from the other. "Today's our 100th episode so, as promised, there is a special surprise!"

Felix squirms slightly in anticipation, bum knocking into Chan's foot and making the alpha spring his leg up out of a knee-jerk reaction but, unfortunately, it collides loudly with the underside of the table. The younger fights to suppress a laugh at the hiss he hears in substitution of a curse word that would be very much not appropriate on camera (they have a reputation to maintain after all; Chan's record was squeaky clean and the last thing he needed is to be labeled as a potty mouth).

The eldest's face is hidden from view by its position within his hands. His shoulders were shaking and there was the occasional sniffing sound; to be completely honest, Felix wasn't sure if he was laughing or crying.

"Hyung?" He whispers, the new omega-side of Felix making its rare appearance, eyes going wide with worry as his hand rubs circles on the bruised skin; comforting pheromones may or may not have been released as an extra incentive to feel better.

Chan finally lifts his head and the world can see that it was a little bit of both: tears were welled up but a cheek-splitting grin was on his face as he stifled his giggles, "Well this is quite embarrassing, isn't it? So yeah um, that happened. What? No; I'm fine, I'm fine. I just hit my leg on the table; you've all done that before, yeah? Where was I? Oh, right!" He sends another quick glance at Felix, gesturing vaguely with his finger to the other chair waiting just enough to the right to be considered off-screen. "Well you know I don't really like receiving surprises but I like giving them so, everybody, please welcome our special guest: Mr. Sunshine Feli-"

*Thump!* "Shit."

Felix misjudged the distance, knocking his head into the bottom so hard that the camera rattled. He had tried to contain the hushed swear but it just slipped out of his lips and Chan started laughing hysterically as he reached out and fondly brushed the hair off the younger's forehead.

"You good, little one? This is turning out to be quite the disaster."

Felix chuckles with him despite the burning feeling upon his freckled cheeks, swatting his leader's hand away as he pulls himself out from under the table and plops down in the black leather rolling-chair. "Hi Stay!" he says before delicately touching the top of his head, "Is there a lump? I hope not; this black hair already sits weird."

Chan scoffs, "No it doesn't; your hair looks fine, great even. You haven't had black hair since... what? Debut?"

"Yeah, it has been a while. It's still weird though; I can't look at myself in the mirror because I'm just so used to the blonde."

"I get that: I keep thinking you're Hyunjin every now and then when your black hair is in a ponytail."

The omega's jaw drops, an offended noise emanating dramatically from the back of his throat as he places a hand on his chest, "You can't even recognize your fellow Aussie?" Felix fake cries, "We don't even have the same scen-" He immediately halts that train of thought, rethinking his choice of words as Stage-Felix swoops in to save the day, "Stature! Hyunjin-hyung is way taller than me."

Chan releases a quick breath, the relief evident in his gaze probably matching the one Felix was wearing, before smiling bashfully, "Hey, I never said that. Just sometimes, first glance, I think it's Hyunjin. Of course, if you're facing my way, I wouldn't think that; or like, at night, it's not like I would ever crawl into anyone's bed other than- um- wait- That came out wrong- Um-"

The chat blows up instantly with tons of questions and cooing at Chan's accidental confession, the younger giggling at his reddening ears and regret-filled groan.

"Changing topic, changing topic," Felix announces as he waves his hands in a dismissive motion, "So how is everyone doing? How are you today, Stay?"

Eventually the Vlive settles down as people talk about their day, Chan and Felix commenting on a few stories as they wait for more viewers to join. But then the first comment comes asking about how Felix was doing and that seemed to trigger the landslide of inquiries about the segment he was hoping he could avoid talking about for as long as possible.

"Are you doing okay, Felix?"

"What happened on the show?"

"Why haven't we heard from you?"

"Are you hiding something personal? We just want to know that you're alright."

And while the idol wanted nothing more than to pretend that he wasn't reading the flow of responses, he had told Chan that he wouldn't freak out and could handle anything the viewers threw his way.

"Oh yes, I'm doing fine," he says with what he hopes is an assuring smile (he knows from the look Chan is giving him that it isn't quite reaching his eyes), "Why do people keep asking if something happened at the Vlive? Nothing crazy occurred as far as I know." You're going too far, a voice reminds in the back of his head, probably Stage-Felix with his effortless charisma and no nervous rambling, You suck at lying; stop talking about it, stop opening up the conversation. "All of the members- They are all happy and healthy..."

Bang Chan nods his head in agreement but he is still eyeing Felix for the first signs of distress.

Anonymous User:"You didn't say we."

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