14. There will be spacetime

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14. There will be spacetime

The next morning arrived like any other, with Fred, Anima and Silhouette waking up beside a burnt out campfire. Fred mysteriously did not feel hunger or thirst in the mindscape, neither did any of its other residents.

"so, Anima. What have you been up to as of late?" Fred started as he walked next to Anima over the blue plains of the Stem Forests.

"not much. I was in my home, painting alone when all of a sudden, the lights went out. I heard someone come in my house, but it was too dark to see. Next thing I knew, I was slammed into a cage and taken up to the Frontal Barrier by that prick who attacked us back there and his master" Anima elaborated.

"who's his master?" Fred delved further.

"Superego. Basically, a body double of you, but evil with a hint of god complex" Anima gave her honest opinion

"sounds like trouble" Fred replied.

"trust me. He is. Truthfully, I just want to go home" Anima agreed.

"I know the feeling" Fred provided solace before Silhouette shouted over from further ahead.

"hey, you two, come and see" Silhouette directed his colleagues to his shadow on a floating clear triangle above a small stone stand in the middle of the plains.

"a prism?" Fred recognized the shape

"looks beautiful" Silhouette marvelled at the object and took out a shadowy finger to touch it, only to be zapped away in a flash.

"Silhouette?!" Fred called out to no response.

"where did he go?!" Anima panicked and held onto the prism to see if it held any answers, vanishing as well.

"Anima?!" Fred followed suit after a moment of contemplation, touching the prism and being sucked through the spacetime continuum at breakneck speed to a black realm of nothing.

"sweet mother of God, where am I now?!" Fred talked to himself while floating in the field of nothing.

"Fred. It's okay" a familiar voice sounded out in the empty realm.

"Silhouette?" Fred saw something shiny come into view. Another prism, identical to the one that had just brought him to the dark place.

"touch the prism. We're both here" Silhouette's voice emanated from the prism. Fred did as he was told and touched the shape with a finger, to be sucked through reality once more. 

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