Chapter 5

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Hey Corpse, just so you have my number =) - Tina

Hey, how are you Christina?

I'm doing good! Had a long day in the office together with Cole, so i'm happy to be home.

How are you?

Are you alone at home right now?

Yeah, I am. I live with my brother, but he's on a date tonight.

Can I come over? I feel like crap rn so I could use company.

Yeah sure. Can you even make it here if you feel sick like you said though?

I hope so. I really need some company and don't want you to have to come all the way to me for it.

It's no problem for me to drive at all, don't worry about it. I'll be there in a bit.

Thank you Christina.

I didn't expect I would Corpse twice a day today, but i'm not complaining. I had planned on listening to depressing rap the rest of the evening to cope with my sad thoughts that somehow found its way to me every once in a while, even though I was supposed to be happy and blessed with my privileges. Going to Corpse's place was definitely a better option to spend my evening.

I blandly walked out of my home without my house keys, my jacket or a make-up check. I was in a pretty chaotic state, hoping Corpse was okay. I knew about his illnesses because of my research, the guy went through a lot of pain. I put on my NF playlist in my car and vibed to the music until I reached the address of my friend.

Singing the lyrics to If You Want Love, I knocked on Corpse's door. I had a rather low voice for a girl, but whenever I would sing the high notes on a song, I would feel more connected to myself than ever. That's what music did to me.

The door in front of me opened and behind it, I saw a tall, struggling boy breathing heavily. He looked so tired and sick. I couldn't believe this would happen on a regular basis for him. His arms looked numb and I quickly came in and had him rest some of his weight on me, not saying a word.

 His arms looked numb and I quickly came in and had him rest some of his weight on me, not saying a word

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Imagine them walking something like this

I stroked my hand on his back, feeling the soft texture of his thin, black sweater. Corpse let out a sigh as we shuffled to the couch.

'How were you going to come to my place when you can't even really lift your arms?' It was the first thing either of us had said, and I meant it more in a worried and caring way than a funny one.

In response, I just saw Corpse placing his head into his hands, then sitting straight up again, his arms falling beside him. I saw him struggling to get comfortable and rest, so I told him: 'I understand you probably can't type right now because of your arms. Here,' I say, pointing to my upper legs. 'Lay down, get some rest.'

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