Act 19

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"They're here!" the Black beak on lookout shouted. "I repeat, they have arrived!"

Practically all the inhabitants of the cave rushed to its entrance, and the sight that greeted them was extraordinary. Thousands of Titan horns were heading towards them: their massive one-meter horns pointing straight to the sky and thousands of feet kicking up clouds of dust from the dry and arid landscape. In the distance, other figures were making their way towards them. As they got closer, Thunder Wing got excited.

"There they are! That's my flock!" he squawked.

As the Boltoccor ravens landed, Thunder Wing and his group joined them.

"Chief! You're here! You do not know how good it is to see you."

"Did you really think I wouldn't come? If you did, then I do not know what I'm going to do with you. Any way, good job sending those two to report on your findings."

"Thank you sir," Thunder Wing said as he raised his head in the air. For Boltoccor ravens this was a sign of respect, just like bowing or saluting was for humans. As the other ravens settled down from their long flight, the leader flew up to the lead hunters. "So, I'm assuming you birds are the ones with the plan to take those things down."

"Yes, that would be accurate," Kay said. Even though the chief was smaller than he was, he couldn't help but feel intimidated by him. Most likely because of the bright red beak, a sign for Boltoccor ravens that distinguished the alpha from the others.

"So, come on, what's the plan?" the chief asked impatiently.

Kay and the other lead hunters began explaining the plan to the chief. As they did, Vall moved closer to the outside in order to have a better look at the herd. From this distance, they looked tiny, yet he knew that in reality they were much larger than he was. He also knew that the plan they were about to attempt would be very dangerous. He took one last look at the herd before turning back to the cave.

"How are we going to do this without anyone getting killed?" he thought. "No, Vall, stop! We have a plan. As long as we stick to it, it should work. But what if it doesn't? No stop thinking like that! I can't!"

Before he could continue this mental argument, he heard Kay call him over, "Hey Vall! Come over here!"

Quickly, the white Black beak ran over to his friend.

"This is the one I was telling you about," Kay said to the chief as he pointed to Vall.

"An albino? I have to say that I am surprised."

Vall felt like he was about to be insulted again.

"For any albino to live this long and to be so darn smart, well, that's incredible. Good job on surviving. Also, good idea about the second wall." The chief then flew off leaving Vall stunned.

"I think he likes you," Kay laughed. Vall just sat there not knowing what to say. This was one of the few times he had been complimented by a stranger. Usually, the only compliments he got were from his friends. "Vall, we decided that we will wait until dawn before we attack. We're all going to need as much energy as we can get. So, why don't you go rest. It will be a big day tomorrow."

"I understand," Vall replied as he walked away. He quickly found Moramma working on a spear. She was doing better than last time and he wondered if she needed help. "Hi there Moramma," he said as he stood in front of her.

"Hello Vall."

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to make a spear."

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