Act 6

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The two just stared at each other for a moment, Vall still absorbing the words his friend had just spoken. Finally, he snapped out of his trance.

"You're... you're... I... I mean... just... I... WHAT??"

"I want you to be the leader for our hunting party."

"I can't do that!! I'm not a leader! I just can't... I can't!"

"Vall, you can do it," Kay responded calmly.

"NO! I can't do this! Pick someone else. Someone who's more capable."


"I mean look at me! I'm an albino. I'm small. I'm not even of age yet!"


"And on top of that, I... I'm freaking out. Plus, what... what... what am I even supposed to do? I don't know."


"And I'm not even capable of properly hunting. I cannot make plans, and... and..."


Vall immediately stopped his rant and looked at Kay who now stood above him.

"You have got to listen. The reason I chose you is because out of all the other hunters you are the most capable."

"But I'm not even one of the leaders."

Kay sighed before bowing down to Vall's level.

"Vall, you know how our rules work. Whenever a leader is unable to continue the job due to outside forces, his or her second will take the lead until the original leader is able to return to his or her role."

"But why me? I never asked to be your second nor do I even want to be."

"I know. But I also know that if I had told you of my choice, you would have refused my offer immediately. So instead, I chose to not tell you. Why else do you think I always want you to lead a small group when we are forced to split up?"

"It's not always like that."

"True, but most of the time it is. It was so you would be ready for when the time did come."

"Listen Kay, I just can't do this," Vall pleaded anxiously.

"Yes, you can. Remember when we were chasing the Plough-head a few day ago, you successfully led the group to chase after it and even made sure that it stayed on its directed path. And just today you took complete responsibility to get help for me. A leader is not the strongest or smartest or fastest. A leader is the one who cares the most. You have shown time and time again that you care. And you must remember that you will not be alone. If you ever feel like you need help, I'll be right here. Not like I can go anywhere else..."

"But what if I'm not capable? What if I fail? What if Zgall is right with saying that I am just a mistake?"

"Vall, you must not think like that. What Zgall thinks is not important. What is important is that I know he is wrong about you. Now, why don't you go do your own things? My feathers won't grow back without some rest."

"I don't think that's how it works."

"Well, all I do know is that I need some rest," Kay said before nestling himself into a corner ready to fall asleep.

Vall sighed before taking off and wondering if Kay was right. He flew off to Moramma as he told himself that maybe she will know what to do. As he landed on the ledge where Moramma was standing, he began to internally panic once again: Wait! What if she doesn't know what to do? What if Kay is wrong? What if... His thoughts were broken when he heard Moramma's voice.

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