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      "Miss you can see him now, follow me" The doctor in front of you and Mina said. "Oh lord" you say holding in your laugh grabbing your stuff to follow to doctor.

"Y/n?" Sero said sluggish looking cross sided. "Mina I can't breathe" you say silently laughing in Mina's shoulder. "Y/n" Mina said slapping the back of your neck.

"Im sorry!" You say continuing to laugh.

"Im sorry Doc so, how long will he be on his anesthesia?" You ask walking towards Sero who was trying to count his fingers. "He just woke up, so I'd say about another 24 hours max a few days" the Doctor said taking off his gloves.

"A few days!?" You and Mina said together looking lost. "The max is a few days" the doctor said chuckling. "Y/n?" Sero called out.


"If I cut off my penis will I feel the pain?" Sero asked closing his eyes. "I- um Sero baby I don't know how to answer that" you said holding in your laugh.

"Aw I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ask a terrible question.." Sero said as his eyes got watery. "No Sero don't cry" you say laughing silently towards Mina.

"Is he able to eat anything?" You ask the doctor help Sero get to his wheelchair. "Soft foods, like yoghurt,mashed potatoes,etc."

"Ok,so only soft foods alright" you said pushing Sero out the office. "Thank you dictors" Sero yelled out. "Baby it's doctors" you corrected him. "I'm sorry" Sero said as his eyes got watery again.

"Mina help!" You called out to her as she was taking her sweet time walking to the car. "What- oh!" Mina said running towards the car.

"SERO COME BACK!" You yell out trying to chase Sero around the parking lot. "For someone who's suppose to be high off anesthesia you sure do have a lot of energy!" You yell out to Sero as you and Mina run around in circles.

"Mina! Come here." You say stopping to catch your breath. "I'm gonna use my quirk to slow him down then I want you to go behind him and grab him so we can put him in the car. Ok?" You ask Mina placing your hand over your heart to slow down your heaving breathing.

"Alright got you" Mina said walking around the opposite side of Sero. "Sero!" You called out walking towards him. As you used your quirk to slow Sero down he slowly started to walk instead of run as Mina grabbed him to place him in the car.

"Seatbelt please" you said to Mina as she strapped him in. "Shit, it's hot" you say turning on the AC. "Do I have friends" Sero ask crying.

"Sero baby yes you have friends, plenty" you say trying to not laugh again. "No!, Sero out them back in your mouth" you say towards Sero trying to take the gauzes out his mouth. "They feel weird" Sero said crying still.

"I know, we have to change them just put them back for now" you say turning back around as the light turned green. "Mina please help a brother out" you say pointing to Sero as he tried to put the gauzes in his nose instead of his mouth.

"Oh lord" Mina said turning around in her seat.

"Sero come in" you say to Sero standing outside the door. "No, I don't live here!" Sero yelled out. "He is gonna be the death of me" you said walking outside to grab Sero.

"HELP! PLEASE SHE IS TRYING TO KIDNAP ME! PLEASE HELP ME" Sero yelled out as you dragged him in the house.

"Sero I think it's time for you to go sleep boo" you said side eyeing him. "Nope," Sero said plopping on the couch. "Mhm yea sure" you say sitting at a chair far away from him watching him doze off.

"As I stated" you said getting up to get Sero a blanket. "Yea you go to sleep" Mina said coming up behind you. "So like you tryna watch a movie?" You say standing up straight

"Why not" Mina said dice rolling. "No." You said walking away laughing at Mina's trying to dice roll.

"Wait where are y'all going!" Sero whined out

"Oh my lord" you and Mina said stopping in your tracks.

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