Chapter Nine; No One Likes A Prying Witch

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That's two weeks down now.

I stood on the outskirts of the forcefield, my head looking up as I sized how tall it truly was. It didn't seem to be a dome.. I could most definitely try to jump it if I was able to get high enough.

But I'm not some damn spider monkey, I can't climb a tree. If only I had panther genes instead of a wolf..

With a sigh, I reached forward but felt the instant zap against my fingertips. "Shit," I hissed, lightly sucking on my pointer finger to subside the stinging. "Touché, Maximoff."

During the duration of this week, I've tried basically everything. I tried to mentally talk to her but she blocked me out.. so, I did what any other person would do.

Six days ago

"Waaandaaaa!" I shouted, eyeing the trees that remained unmoving. "I think I'd like that shower now!"

Obviously I didn't get a response but it didn't hurt to try. The next days consisted of the same result. My ideas tried and failed. I tried pushing through it myself, countering it with my own powers, I even tried to go under but how did she think to make her forcefield through the ground as well??

I surely wouldn't.

My next idea was to try to hop over it but it didn't take a genius to know that wouldn't work. So, I did the only thing I had left to try. I walked.

I walked through the trees, hoping the field would end at some point but it only started to curve. So she made it a dome? Touché Maximoff.. touché.

Still, I walked.

I wasn't sure what I had planned exactly; I just knew that 'make it okay' was heavy on my mind and I couldn't help but feel like my mom was actually there, guiding me as I've always wanted. As much of a rowdy teen as I was, I still needed that guidance from my mother and I needed it now more than ever.

Something in me wanted to.. forgive Wanda. And that wasn't an easy thought to except because of the past seven years, all I've wanted was the exact opposite. How do I replace my want of revenge with forgiveness?

As I rounded the dome, my eyes drew upwards at the sight of the empty field. But, I knew this exact field. It's where Wanda's cabin was.. is?

At least, I thought it was. I could see the logs that would be stacked alongside her house, the small stream that led to the lake, but no cabin?

Closing my eyes, I leaned forward and tried to sense something, anything. There's no way she set up a dome and then just left, right? Probably to make me believe she was still here.. it is possible though.

This could've all been a ploy for her to disappear without me noticing.. I wouldn't hold that against her. I've learned more about what Wanda was capable of now more than ever.

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