Chapter Eight; Make It Okay

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It's been a week

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It's been a week.

Not once has she stepped out of her shield and I haven't tried to go in. I set my own shield up within my mind to make sure she couldn't see how much I felt bad about what I had said. No matter what she's done, or what I've done.. I'd never wish death on a persons lover.

I knew how it felt to lose that person and I knew she was still suffering from that pain. Because I, seven years later, could still feel the gaping hole inside of me from losing someone I cared about. I didn't mean what I said.. I just had to make a way for her to disassociate from caring for me.

Because if she cared, then what I had to do would hurt her more than it should've. But the look on her face.. I saw the heartbreak in her eyes when I brought Vision up. When I brought up being in part of his death. That was a lie. I left The Black Order when I realized what their ultimate mission was.

Thanos concealed to me the fact that he planned to wipe out half of the population on earth and, like I said, I'd never kill an innocent. So, I backed out and found myself in hiding but it was too late. My photograph was taken while I landed with the fleet in New York and I was already posted in every law office. I was a war criminal in everyone's eyes.

But I've only killed one person in my life.. and that was my own father.

I looked down at my hands as I settle down in the cave, watching the purple hues from the balls of energy slightly overpower the blue which was odd. I've always had predominately blue energy..

Letting my hands fall, I found my eyes drifting over the half built boat that stood within the night. It still had a lot to go but with how tireless I've become, not wanting to sleep because of nightmares plaguing my dreams, I had more time to work on it.

Plus I no longer had the occasional distraction by Wanda. I was really left alone again but it felt more quiet now than how it was with myself all these years. How could there be levels of silence; and how could they be so different?

With a huff, I leaned back, my head on my backpack as I stared up at the roof of the cave and watched the flames from the fire flicker against the cave. The colors were a bright yellow with flakes of orange which instantly brought a smile to my lips.

When transformed, Kristine had yellow eyes and they could scare the hell out of me when she wanted to. But that's who she was.. a fun, goofy person who loved scaring the crap out of me. I hated it in the moment but now, all I wanted was to relive them.

I raised my hand to my head and sighed as I tried to use my own power on myself. I wanted to sleep but have memories instead of bad dreams for once this week. So, I aimed for a section of the cave that I was sure to cause a boomerang effect and once I threw the enchantment forward, the energy bounced off of the wall and flew right back toward me.

Instantly I felt it wash over my body and a feeling of floating made me reach out to grab something but I was still on a ground. Slowly, my head laid back down and I felt the most peace I've felt in years..

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