Instantly, my blood went ice cold at the sound of my dad holler. A sheer second later, a booming sound echoed through the car and the window behind me shattered into a million pieces as I bent my head down to the leather seat.

Pieces of glass fell onto my body and face while I screamed and panicked at the sudden chaos. I thought maybe something was thrown on the car, or something fell from the nearby houses. But I knew that sound, the sound in videos I would watch on youtube at hours on end.

Something didn't hit the car, it was shot at.

When I opened my eyes to see if anyone was hurt, I was relieved to see my dad alive and well, screaming something at my mom who was, too, unharmed while checking to see if I was okay.

"Mom!" I shouted at her, my voice unsteady as she unbuckled my seatbelt and reached to pull me in the groove space in the foot space in the car between the front and back seat. "What's going on?" The words cracked.

She ignored me in clear panic as she followed what my dad had been ordering her to do. She dug her hand into his pocket as he rigorously steered the car and she pulled out a key. Her hand was shaking vigorously with it in her fingers.

She lined the key up to a small department under the wheel and unlocked it, revealing a silver pistol. I knew my dad owned guns but I never knew why. He always told me it was to protect us from robbers or something, but now I know the threat was much greater than that.

My mom handed the gun to my dad and he rolled down the side window, where a black car with tinted windows raced beside us.

He let go two piercing shots into the other car window but to his surprise, the window didn't break, the bullets were lodged in the glass.

Bulletproof glass.

"Mother fucker!" My dad shouted as he averted his eyes back to the road to swerve the car back in line, jerking me sideways in the process.

"How did they find us? I thought you said it was over Philip!" My mom yells.

"It's been eight years! I thought it was over as well."

Eight years was just how old I was. Eight years is how long they've been hiding from people that I had no knowledge of.

I turned my head to the window, lifting my head off the floor of the car as my parents continued to shout at one another. On the other side of our car, another black car Identical to the last one that drove beside us. And this time their windows were down and a long silver handgun was pointed through it.

I should've screamed like my dad had screamed for me to get down, I should've said something, made some sort of noise. Anything.

But my words were lodged in my throat, my chest tight and my breath shallow as I watched the man in the car press down on the trigger.

"NO!" I cried out. But it was too late. Much too late.

The bullet traveled through my mom first, then my Dad, and exited through the car window, shattering the glass.

Tears blurred my vision as the car began to sway at the absence of control on the wheel. My mom's body went limp sideways as the car drove off the road and down the slope.

"Mommy! Daddy!" I screamed at them, hoping that by the sound of my screeching voice they would wake up, but the scarlet stream of blood oozing from their temples told me there was no use. The car tumbled downwards, the front windshield getting hit with bushes and branches as I let out an ear-piercing screech.

This is it, this is where I'm going to die, just like my parents in front of me just did.

And that thought was nearly proven true as the car collided into a tree up ahead, the hood of the car crushing around the trunk and sending me hauling forward to the front of the car in an instant. My eyes were shut, stars swirling around me and pulsing spikes of pain going throughout my body as I laid on the dashboard.

If it weren't for the sound of leaves crunching approaching me moments later, I would have guessed I was dead. I had no strength to move anything, not even open my eyes.

I started to call out for help when the person spoke, "The assignment is complete." She said, out of breath and with no remorse. The voice I'll never forget. Ever.

A murmur came from the person on the other line of a phone, then the woman spoke again, "The girl is dead as well, I didn't expect them to drive off the road and I couldn't save her."

She paused, I felt her presence hovering over me. It didn't take much to pretend I was dead, my breath was already shallow enough and the blood that I felt oozing from wounds around my body was probably enough to sell that I was a goner.

She couldn't save me, she had said. I don't know what they wanted with me, or what could have happened if I ever revealed myself, but whoever she was speaking to really wanted me alive considering the shouting coming through the phone.

Another voice came from a distance, "VAL!" It was a man, approaching us. "I heard police sirens not too far away; They must've heard the shootings, we have to go now!" He huffed his voice low and deep.

Suddenly a sharp pain came from my head, sending a shock through my body and forcing a moan to exit my throat. It wasn't loud but it was enough for them to focus advert their attention. I could feel their eyes on me.

"She's alive..." Said the woman, who the guy had called Val. "We have to get her up, Boss said–"

"Who the fuck cares what he said, let her rot. I already dealt with the parents, that was the main objective, not to bring back some child that's on the brink of death."

The way he spoke made my stomach churn, I wanted to scream at the sound of his words about my parents. I already dealt with the parents. He said it like it was an everyday thing; like it was nothing. I felt a stream of tears stroll down my face.

The sirens were getting closer, "Whatever," The guy said, "You can go to jail if you want, if you're not in the car in two minutes I'm leaving your ass."

The leaves rustled as he ran away, probably back up the way he came. I felt the girl approach the car and attempt to open the door.

I finally opened my eyes, feeling the soreness throughout my body at the working muscle. My vision was blurry but I wished I was just blind altogether. Then I wouldn't have to see my parent's body in front of me, a pool of blood covering the seats and floor of the car.

The side door of the driver's seat yanked open by the girl and my dad's body dropped to the ground beside her legs.

She paid no mind to him as she reached for me, laying on the dashboard.

I whined, attempting to move away from her but she grabbed onto my arm and carried me out of the car. I couldn't resist anymore, whatever she was going to do, I hoped she'd do it quickly.

I was lowered to the damped ground beside my dad, her face covered by a ski mask above me.

"You're going to live," She said, catching me by surprise, "I would take you back to the boss as he said but you'll only slow us down."

I stared at her bright blue eyes, the only thing distinguishable through the blur of my vision. It didn't help that raindrops were sprinkling on my face. At least it was soothing my bruises a bit.

"Look kid, here," She took her gun out of the holder, it was black and small, unlike the silver long barrel one that stuck out the black car. It wasn't the one I saw, it wasn't the one that was used to kill them.

I felt my eyelids get heavy, struggling to keep them open.

She opened the magazine and lifted it over her hand, a singular bullet dropping in her palm. She put the magazine back in the gun and bent down with the bullet in her hand. She showed me the bullet before stuffing it in my pants pocket.

"Find me."

And with that my eyelids dropped, leaving me in a state of utter darkness, woeful and alone.


Hey, I hope to update a few times a week, there's plenty to cover and write so stay tuned. Vote, follow and comment if you haven't already. Bye besties.

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