Secret (but not so secret) Agent

Start from the beginning

There was a sigh.

“If I’m on speaker, then your teacher can hear me, yes?”

Peter gave an affirmative hum, and Fury continued.

“I’m Nickolas Fury, head of a government organization. I need Peter’s help, it’s very important. Please let him leave and I will give him a slip for tomorrow. Thank you.”

Fury hung up, and Peter sighed. He moved to stand, but his teacher held up a hand.

“Parker, really, I never would have pegged you as a liar. You’re not leaving. Sorry. Sit down.”

Peter frowned and sat back down, ignoring Flash’s smirk as he spoke.

“Okay, but he’s probably going to show up pretty soon, in the most dramatic way he can think of, ‘cause he’s Fury, and then you’re gonna be in trouble.”

The teacher glared harder (if that was possible) and turned back to the whiteboard, droning on. Peter glanced at his watch, deciding to time how long it took Fury to show up.

It didn’t take long.

The class got distracted when they heard a whirring noise outside. Several kids got up to go to the window, but the teacher waved at them to sit back down and continued his lesson. Peter was beginning to think that Fury was going to have to come in himself. He held back a laugh at the thought of the pirate walking down his school's linoleum hallways.

He let the laugh out when he heard heavy boots walking towards his classroom's doorway. The teacher looked at him.

“Parker. What is so funny?”

The door opened, revealing one Nickolas Fury, who was flanked by Agent Hill. The teacher stared, jaw dropped. Peter smiled and stood, grabbing his backpack and walking over to them.

“Damn, not as dramatic as I thought it would be. I was expecting something like crashing through walls. You need to step up your game,” Peter said, smirking. Fury sighed.

“Well, I’m sorry my dramatic tendency wasn’t good enough for your brain that is used to hanging out with the most dramatic man in the world.”

“Hey, Tony is not the most dramatic. According to stories, that’s you. Well, actually, it’s a tie between you and Clint, but still you’re up there on the list.”

Fury glared before turning to the teacher.

“I’m taking Peter. Bye.”

With that, Fury walked out of the room, Hill on his heels. Peter gave a mock salute to his teacher before heading out of class.

Flash wondered what his life had come to.


“Anyone seen Peter?”

Flash's head snapped up to his homeroom teacher, a smile growing on his face. Peter was never late. Sure, he ran in after the bell rang, but he never missed attendance.

Ned spoke, not even glancing up.

“Peter will be here. He’s just running a bit behind today.”

Just then, Peter walked into the room. Flash’s jaw dropped.

It had become common knowledge around the school that Peter worked for Fury, most likely as an agent. No one expected Peter to keep it a secret anymore, but no one expected him to walk into class late in his uniform.

He had on black pants, shirt, and a bulletproof vest on, holding a helmet. His whole outfit was covered in dust and rubble and bloodstains, greatly contrasting the clean backpack he had on. His hair was grey with dust, and he had blood trickling down the side of his face. He nodded at the teacher, moving towards his seat. The movement made everyone's eyes catch on the glints of metal coming from the weapons on him. He set his backpack down for a second and turned to the teacher.

Peter Parker One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now