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   Gulf's hands were trembling all the way till he reached home. By the time he reached home, it was almost midnight. His mom had already gone to sleep. He immediately rushed to his room and locked himself up. He curled himself into a ball on his bed. He was sweating profusely. The flashing memories which he wanted to bury deep inside as well as the nightmares that he thought was long gone came back in no time. All the dreadful memories appeared again, quite vividly, just because of that one picture.

   It was a picture in which Mew was smiling wide, with a hint of thrill and excitement evident in his face. It wasn't Mew's smile that affected him. It was everything else. The background, the surroundings, the place where it was taken was what triggered Gulf. He was several feet above the ground, paragliding. There were clouds surrounding him and a hill below him. The place was similar to the place where he lost his smile, his happiness, the love of his life.

 The place was similar to the place where he lost his smile, his happiness, the love of his life

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P.S. This was the closest picture I could find   

The memories poured in. It was like he was experiencing it all over again just like he felt on that day. It was suffocating and choking him. All he could do was sob and get his heart shattered into pieces as he saw how his happiness was snatched away just in a matter of seconds. What hurt the most was that he was helpless and couldn't do anything to make things better, to save her.

   He cried himself to sleep that day. But the evil memories within him weren't satisfied yet. It decided to torment him further. He dreamt of that incident happening all over again multiple times. His body was numb and paralyzed. He couldn't move his body to express his grief. He had no tears left to cry. He didn't have the strength to shout or call out for help. In the end, he surrendered to his emotions and sobbed silently hoping that someone could save him.


   Mew was a mess too. He felt horrible. He felt guilty for what he did. But he didn't expect that his actions would affect Gulf to this extent. He thought of calling Gulf but decided against it. He wanted to give Gulf some time and space and decided to apologize to him the next day.

   The next morning, Mew left for the clinic. While he was counseling the other patients, a part of his mind was elsewhere. He was distracted, wondering what made Gulf leave all of a sudden. Whenever he got free time, he called Gulf but he couldn't reach him as his phone was not reachable. He also messaged him saying that he was sorry and that he was worried but didn't get any response. Gulf had not seen his message yet which was so unlike him. Whenever Mew messaged or called him, he would usually respond quickly. While eating his sandwich, he replayed what happened yesterday.


   Gulf was all fine until he left to get some juice for them. He did look flustered but I guess because he was just shy or embarrassed. Only when I came back, Gulf rushed out of his house. If he was uncomfortable or disgusted by what happened, he would have left before I left to get us drinks. He would have shouted at me or punched me or at the least flinched if he was not uncomfortable. But he didn't do that. If I can recall his expressions, I could see shock in his face, not disappointment or disgust. What I assumed all this time was wrong. Maybe something that he saw in my room triggered him. Something in my room must have reminded him of his trauma.

   Speaking of trauma, Gulf hasn't shared about that to me yet. That's why I don't have a clear idea about this situation. On the other day, he got a panic attack by the mere word "girlfriend". Wait, did something remind him of his girlfriend? If that were true, I can't imagine how he is dealing with it right now. I hope there is someone comforting him. Why didn't you catch the signs earlier Mew? Let me try calling him again.


   Mew called Gulf several times but he couldn't reach him. He got restless and anxious but also helpless that he couldn't do much. He even thought of going through the patient records to get his address but decided against it as he didn't want to barge into someone's house uninvited just because of a hunch. So, he decided to call him one more time before he goes home and then try to reach him out tomorrow.

   He dialed in Gulf's number anxiously for the 20th time praying that he would pick up. He got happy when the receiver picked up but got a little disappointed as he heard a female voice. "He doesn't even want to talk to me" Mew thought sadly. "Hello is this Dr.Mew?" the receiver asked. "Yes. May I know who I am speaking to?" asked Mew. "I am Gulf's mother. Is there anything that I need to tell him?" she asked. "I tried to reach him all day but he didn't respond. That's why I got a little worried. Is he fine?" asked Mew. "I was about to call you actually. Gulf is not feeling well today. It doesn't look like viral fever. Looks like he cried himself to sleep. When I came to see him this morning, he looked worn out. I think he had panic attacks again. I stayed with him all day. He didn't eat properly. He is finally sleeping now without any disturbance. I was about to check your number from his phone and call you. Glad that you called. Is there anything else I should do to make him feel better? Is there any medicine that should be given?" she asked.

   Mew got upset. His hunch was correct. He needs to be there next to him to get him out of this. "I would like to see him. I want to get a clear idea of his situation. Is it ok if I can come and visit in an hour?" he asked anxiously. "It's already late, doctor, I don't want you to stress yourself. I will bring him to the clinic tomorrow" she said. "It's not a problem. I would like to see him. Do I have your permission?" asked Mew. "Ok, if you insist, I will text you the address" she said. "Thank you. I will come soon" said Mew while he hung up. As soon as he got a notification, he texted his mom that he would be late and pushed his accelerator to rush to Gulf's house.

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