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 "So Gulf, tell me something about yourself like what you do, what you like to do etc so that I can get to know you better" said Mew with a notepad in hand. "I am 24 years old. I am currently doing my masters in sports science. I love playing football. I like pets so I volunteer sometimes. I live with my mother and I have a pet cat named ju. I also draw sometimes" said Gulf. "From what I heard, I think you are a calm and quiet person. You don't seem to have a lot of friends. Are you like this always or have you changed recently" asked Mew. "I have not had a lot of friends always. I tend to keep things to myself. I am a private person" answered Gulf.

"Ok. I can see that something is bothering you. It's affecting your life and wellbeing and that's why you are here. Can you tell me what is that feeling that gets you restless" asked Mew. "My girlfriend died last year in an accident. I feel empty and sad. Nothing seems to cheer me up. Nothing makes me want to smile. I always feel a pang of guilt in my chest whenever I see her parents. It hurts to even see me smile. I tried to distract myself with studies or games or family but nothing seems to work. It seems like a piece of my heart is torn and will never get fixed" said a teary eyed Gulf. Mew nodded and took a deep breath "I am really sorry for your loss. Losing a loved one in unexpected ways hurts a lot. I understand why you feel lost. But you need to take care of yourself, live for yourself. You need to rise strong. Its ok to grieve but to feel guilty, that's a dark hole. Guilt tends to eat you up. It consumes all your energy and may make you feel worthless. This could also lead to depression. I want you to live your life for yourself, for your mom. Think about her when you feel low. Would you want her to see her son broken?"

Calming himself down, Gulf answered "I get it. That's how I try to collect myself. But I couldn't tell her how I feel because I feel that she will get frightened and worried". Mew moved closer to Gulf, and smiled at him. "The first step of moving on and feeling better is to express what we feel. It's important to share what is going on to people who you love so that you heal faster. If you have a person who can listen to your problems, even if they don't say anything, that eases your heart." He gently touches Gulf's shoulders. "If you want someone to listen to whatever is going on in your mind, I am all ears. Think of me as a friend you can share things with, family who would stick with you or a doctor who could heal your heart. You can count on me. You can be assured that your thoughts and secrets will be safe for me". Holding Gulf's hands softly with a warm smile in his face, he uttered the words "Will you trust me" with 100% sincerity. Gulf couldn't help but nod at the man with a smile that actually reached his eyes.

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