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   A week had passed and it was already time for the second appointment. In the past one week, Gulf has really felt better. He still only sleeps for 5 hours but he does not wake up in the middle so he felt fresh and more active than before. He had already updated his mom about the first session and she was so relieved that she could eventually see the old Gulf soon. He now smiles a little wider, eats a little better and now believes that he can be happier. Something else has changed too. A certain someone, his eyes, his smile, his comforting words seems to replay in Gulf's mind for an unhealthy number of times. Maybe he is curious, maybe he feels like he is his savior or maybe he likes him, things are just not clear. Only time and more interaction with him would give him the answer. So he decided to notice Mew's each and every action thoroughly.

   "Hi Gulf. Glad to see you again. I hope that our previous session has been helpful for you. How do you feel right now?" greeted Mew. "I have been feeling better than I used to, thanks to you. I have consciously tried to spend more time with people close to me and my sleeping pattern has improved though not perfect" answered Gulf while sitting on the sofa. "That's great to hear. There is no rush. Bringing in little changes gradually in your lifestyle will do wonders and will make you feel better about yourself, trust me" said Mew. Gulf smiled and hummed in response.

   "Are you comfortable to talk about your girlfriend?" Mew slowly started. On hearing what Mew said, Gulf started feeling uneasy. His face turned pale and also started sweating. Old memories flashed in his mind and a tear escaped from his left eye. Mew got worried. He immediately went closer to comfort him. He slowly caressed Gulf's shoulders "It's ok. I understand. It's ok if you are not ready yet. Calm down. I want you to take deep breaths". Gulf's heart was beating faster. He tried to do what Mew said. After a few minutes of taking slow and deep breaths, he started feeling better. "Drink this" said Mew, giving him a glass of water. After drinking water, Gulf said "Sorry for making you worried. I have been experiencing panic attacks so this is not new to me, this was actually a mild one compared to the ones I have experienced at home". "Still, I am sorry that you got a panic attack because of me. Are you feeling better now?" asked Mew with eyes full of concern. "You should not be sorry. I should tell you about her someday or the other and you can help me out only if you ask. I will be able to talk about it eventually. I am feeling much better now" said Gulf.

   Mew was in deep thought for a few minutes and then an idea popped into his mind. "I understand you. We have met only two times, it would be unreasonable to expect you to open up to me in such a short time. Maybe if we get to know each other and talk a bit about other things, you would be more comfortable". Gulf nodded slowly with a confused expression. "Let's start from today. Think of us as best friends or whatever label is comfortable to you. Let's talk about what we like, why we chose this line of study and other basic stuff. I am sure this would work out. Are you fine with this?" asked Mew. After a few seconds of thinking, Gulf said, "sure my friend. I agree". Mew extended his hand saying "Great, friends it is". Gulf accepted the handshake and smiled back.

   "So, do you have plans for lunch today?" asked Mew. "No. Why?" asked a confused Gulf. "As both of us are pet lovers, I know just the right place to have great lunch and spend time with cute dogs. Are you in?" asked Mew with hopeful eyes. "Sure. I just need to go home when my cat is sleeping then. Wouldn't want her to find out" said Gulf smiling. "Alright then, please wait for 10 minutes. I will just get freshened up" said Mew. Gulf absent-mindedly nodded, with a lot of questions in his mind.


   I have been fine for the past one week and here I was thinking that I was getting better. Well, guess I am wrong. One question from him and I lost it. Memories I thought I buried inside a week ago came rushing back. While I was internally screaming for help, there he was like an anchor, saying those comforting words to pull me back from the thoughts that were killing me inside. That was something even my mom couldn't do. He is either special or is just very good at his job. Whatever it is, I am grateful for having him as my therapist and thank my mom for making me meet him.

   Coming to what he said just now. Going out together to eat? While I can clearly see that he is busy? That too with someone he had met for what two times? Isn't this too fast? And that handshake, why does my skin tingle every time we touch? I guess that I am thinking too much. This is just a doctor who is being nice to his patient. Nothing more; Nothing less. But strangely I am happy he asked because, deep down, I want to get to know him too.


   To say that I got worried when I saw him turn pale is an understatement. I was terrified. I just wanted to do everything I could to bring him back to normal. His lifeless eyes were crying for help. It seemed like no one could help him but me. No doctor could heal him but me. Gulf is supposed to be just another patient but I couldn't help but feel otherwise. Thankfully, he got better eventually, what a relief.

   I still don't get why I said that I wanted to get to know more about each other. Would he think I am creepy? His confused expression confused me even more. I couldn't understand what he felt. Before I could take my words back, he agreed. Friends, that's a nice label to fit in, for now. I really hope things go well and comfortable with each other so that he can open up soon. 

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