Luna In Action

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Garmadon and his shark army started attacking Ninjago as soon they reach there while the ninjas are still in class.

The alarm alerted the teachers in the school and they told the students to duck and cover. Lloyd and the others asked for bathroom pass and the teacher just let them do what they want.

They left the classroom leaving the [Hair/Color] girl at the back of the classroom. She walked out the door like a normal student and went to find her friends.

She look at their lockers which are all open so she close it for them since she already knew their secret.

'Garmadon attack, again?'

'Yes Luna, you can take control.'

'Do I get to kill anyone?'

'No killing, you remember the rules.'

'Aw man. Fine.'

The girl eye color changed from [E/C] to a dark shade of [F/C] as she went to the bathroom and change in her ninja gi.

The girl jump out from the window and landed on one of the genarals head, knocking him out from the impact.

'He's not dead, right?'


The girl saw the green ninja's mech is right above some buildings as he watch Garmadon's shark mech running around, hiding behind buildings.

"The heck is he doing?" Luna ask herself.

'Are we playing hide-and-seek right now?'

'I hope not. Oh look they're blasting missle now, how fun.'

Luna is enjoying the firework that she's seeing right now while attacking the shark army non-stop.

The girl then went to where Garmadon and the others at and the water ninja notice her.

"Hey, Luna! Need a ride?" Nya asked.

"You know I do, girl!" Luna jumped on top of Nya's mech and held on to it as they made their way to the others.

They both reached the place and met up with the others and Luna watch the whole thing played out.

Garmadon upgrade his shield so he's basically protect himself from the missles earlier. He then threw a bomb at the green ninja which made him panic and the bomb landed beside him.

Garmadon and his army laugh at the boy's misfortune. Lloyd tried to throw the bomb back to his father but the bomb just went behind him.

Luna made her way to the bomb without anyone noticing her and grab the bomb while Lloyd and his father talk with each other.

She look around and thought of something before sneaking her way to Kai's mech to get a clear view of the army.

'Can I do it?'

'Just yeet it already'

Luna yeet the bomb towards the shark general and it explode, earning a small laugh from herself.

Garmadon then retreat with his destroy mech, leaving the ninjas with a bunch of citizen complain about how they need to fix their shop .etc

"Thanks for the help, Luna." Lloyd said.

"No problem, man I really hope I brought my tape with me, these people are annoying." Luna said, jumping onto the buildings, leaving the ninjas.

Lloyd and the others returned to their base to train while Luna let [Y/N] take control and return to their home, knowing that the attack did drain a bit of her energy.

"I'm tired, Luna." the girl lay on the couch, tired out from the fight.

'Those shark people barely put up a fight and you're already laying here like a dying potato? Weakling.'

"Hey, you do know that this 'weakling' you're talking about is yourself right? We share the same body, weakling."

'Don't call me that.'

"Meh, what do you want to watch?" [Y/N] said as she turn on her TV.

'Ouran High School Host Club.'

"Okay, let me get my popcorn and blanket then we're ready."

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