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By the time the boys finished making the fire and eating dinner it was about 8:00

"It's too early to go to bed, but too late to go do anything. What do you guys want to do" Jongho asked

"Let's play truth or dare!" a chaotic wooyoung screamed

"Why is that always your go to game" Yunho rolled his eyes

"I don't care! let's play" wooyoung cheered

"Youngie. Truth or dare" Yeosang asked


"I dare you to kiss San. Nothing less than that 30 seconds" the boy said smirking

Wooyoung gulped, and got up from his seat. He made his way to San and straddled the older

Wooyoung instantly wrapped his arms around Sans neck and kissed him.

This was the first time the two kissed. Their kiss felt a typical fan fiction kiss, but better. Their lips fit together perfectly as if they were made for eachother.

There was a spark in both boys.The 30 seconds had passed quicker than each boy had hoped.

Wooyoung pulled away, a string of saliva connecting the two. Wooyoung wiped it away with his sweater and blushed as he got off the boys lap only to be pushed back down

San forced the younger back down in his lap. He loved the feeling of them being this close, and didn't want it to end

"Okay okay, enough of that. Woo, your turn to ask someone" Hongjoong interrupted

Wooyoung sighed as he turned around, facing the group while still being in the olders lap

"Yeo, Trjth or dare"


"Shotgun this" Wooyoung said as he tossed the boy a beer can

"I got you" the boy said as he chugged the can

"Hwa. Truth or Dare" Yeosang said upon completing his dare

"Ima play it safe and say Truth"

"Do you remember the first party we went to" Seonghwa nodded "how much of that night do you actually remember" the boy said, fully knowing the answer but he wanted everyone to hear it too

Seonghwas eyes opened widely as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously

"Um" he placed a hand on his boyfriends lap "all of it. to be fair i didn't drink that much" he chuckled

Hongjoong instantly blushed and turned away, recalling the events that took place.

Everyone else in the group knew what the two did, seeing as how Yeosang couldn't keep his mouth shut

"I didn't think you remembered that" hongjoong mumbled, loud enough for Seonghwa to hear

"i'm glad i did" he smirked

"Okay okay. enough you two. Hwa, your turn"

The group continued playing with various stupid dares being shared back and forth.

By the end of the night, San has admitted his feelings for Wooyoung where Wooyoung felt comfortable sharing he had feelings for the other.

The two had left about thirty minutes before the game ended, to talk about everything.

Eventually the two talked it out and San asked Wooyoung on a date. Since the two were in their tent none of the others knew and they didn't plan on telling the others about it until they were official.

After the said few rounds they played, the boys decided it was a good idea to go to sleep so that they'd have enough energy for tomorrows activities


A/N: i'm sorry for the past two chapters being so short </3 but this story is soon coming to an end 😔

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