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"they are coming up to visit me for the week" Seonghwa said as he began to calm down

"isn't that a good thing?" Hongjoong questioned

"No, because this time they are bring my old neighbor who used to be my best friend with them because they said he missed me" Seonghwa looked down

"Hey! You're going to see you're old friend, that's great isn't it??"

"Um...not really.." he went on as there was a knock at the door

"Who is it?" Hongjoong yelled

"It's Yunho, Wooyoung wanted me to check up on you two"

"We'll be out soon, thank you!" Hongjoong called as he began to get up, off the floor, helping the older up as well

"When is he gonna be here Hwa" he asked lifting up the olders face with both his hands


"So how about today, just you and me just hangout and then we'll deal with the other stuff tomorrow, together" the younger boy suggested

Seonghwa nodded. Hongjoong took his hand and the two walked out into the kitchen

"Guys, so Hwas family is coming over tomorrow so he and i are going to hangout together, probably catch a movie or something. You all can stay here and we all can do something together when we get back?" he suggested

"Sure! Sounds great" Mingi commented

"We can all go over to my apartment while those two are gone" Wooyoung suggested

The other five nodded and followed Wooyoung into his apartment leaving the two alone in Hongjoongs apartment

"What do you wanna do today hwa?"

Seonghwa didn't answer. He just walked over towards the younger and hugged him

Hongjoong hummed, as he hugged the boy back.

The two stayed like this for a while, neither of them wanting to remove themselves from the warmth the other was providing

Eventually, the two parted and they had decided to go to their local zoo together

The two got in Seonghwas car as he drove towards the zoo. Neither of the two speaking, yet the atmosphere was comfortable

Upon arrival, the two exited the car and entered the park (A/N:i forget what the zoo is like it's been so long since i've been, don't come for me)

The two walked hand in hand knowing it made Seonghwa the most comfortable and thats all Hongjoong had in mind

They were getting plenty of unwanted stares from random old ladies, but it didn't bother the two. They were there to have a good time and nothing could ruin it, or so they thought

The younger, not being able to control himself, dragged Seonghwa to his favorite exhibit: the lions

"Hongjoong slow down" the older chuckled "we'll get there, you don't need to run"

"but it's my favorite thing to see at the zoo~" he pleaded like a 9 year old

At this, Seonghwa just chuckled and followed the boy to see the lions

Hongjoong admired the beautiful beasts behind the glass. He watched them run around and play with eachother, to him it was the most fascinating thing

Soon enough after looking at many animals exhibits, the zoo was closing meaning the two needed to head back home

"Thank you" Seonghwa said quietly taking Hongjoongs hand while the two walked back to his car

"For what Hwa?"

"Today, I'm glad we could hangout together today since my family is coming tomorrow for the week. We may not get to see eachother much, and if we do i can't do this" he said lifting up their joined hands

"Is this why you don't want them to come up? Because we can't be as touchy and close?" the younger questioned

"That and how my old friend acts. He-" he was cut off by a ringing of a phone. Hongjoong pulled out his phone and silenced it

"Sorry hwa" he said as the two approached the car. Getting into the car, the two began heading back.

Once they arrived, Hongjoong called Wooyoung and the others and they all came over back to his apartment.

"Hey guys, welcome back" Wooyoung cheered as he entered Hongjoongs apartment

"Food time food time food time!" Yeosang cheered, a tired Jongho following

"Wooyoung promised him food when you guys got back" Jongho stated

Hongjoong nodded. "i'll order some pizza, i don't feel like cooking tonight"

After he ordered the pizza, the 8 once again sat in his living room in their same spots as last time

20 minutes passed by and the pizzas had arrived. Hongjoong got up off Seonghwas lap and set the pizzas on the counter

"So we have pepperoni, cheese and hawaiian pizza" hongjoong began as the others made their way to the kitchen to get some food. Everyone grabbed their pizza and returned back to the living room

At this moment, each of them feels happy and at peace; the calm before the storm if you will


A/N: My updating schedule for this book is wack 😂🤚

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