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A/N: Back to Seongjoong <3

Upon collecting himself, Seonghwa decided it'd be best to go back into his living room where his parents and Changbin were

He stood up from his floor, opened the door and slowly walked into his living room. His parents were sitting on the couch and Changbin in the chair

"Seonghwa. When are you going to make breakfast, your mother and i are hungry"

"I guess i'm making in now" he responded walking into the kitchen

He began making breakfast when Changbin came up behind him. The younger placed his hands firmly on Seonghwas hips pulling him closer

"Changbin. Please stop"

"You don't tell me what to do babyboy."

"Seonghwa dear" his mother called walking into the kitchen making Changbin let go of the older "What has Wooyoung been up to lately, it's been so long since we've talked to him"

"He's been fine"

"Good good. I hope you're still not hanging out with that one boy..what's his name"

"Hongjoong. His name is Hongjoong"

"Doesn't matter his name. I don't want you or Wooyoung associating with that faggot" (A/N: i absolutely hate that word)

"It doesn't matter what you want mother. We're both adults you don't get to decide who we hangout with"

"Why does it matter to you" his mother blatantly asked

"because he's my friend! i'm not going to stop being friends with him because you say so" he yelled slamming his hands on the counter

"you do not raise your voice at your mother young man" his father chimed in

"whatever" he responded

By this time Seonghwa has done with making breakfast and the four were beginning to eat

"I'm going out" Seonghwa said grabbing keys

"I'll join you" Changbin said smirking as the two walked out of Seonghwas apartment.

"Where are we going babyboy"

"We are not going anywhere. I'm going to the store. You're going wherever the fuck else"

"You should start being nicer to me babyboy. Otherwise i'll have to do something about that"

"Changbin. Stop, i don't like you and i don't want to sleep with you. i didn't want to do it in the first place so please stop"

"I don't give a fuck what you want. If you don't do everything i say i'll tell your parents their only child is a fag, and we both know you won't want that. Now, which store are we going to"

Seonghwa walked outside towards his car, Changbin obviously following

The car ride was until Seonghwas phone began ringing. It was Wooyoung, he knew something was wrong otherwise he wouldn't call

He picked up the phone "Hwa!" the younger yelled through the phone

"Woo calm down, what's happening"

"It's Hongjoong. Somehow your dad found his apartment, he ended up breaking down the door and- and he beat the shit out of him" the younger choked

"what the hell!"

"we're on the way to the hospital right now, please hurry"

"yeah yeah of course, i'll be there in a few" he said turning his car around and speeding towards the hospital "Change of plans Changbin, we're going to the hospital"

"Why the fuck are we going there"

"My father beat the shit out of my best friend, i'm going to make sure he's okay" Seonghwa practically yelled. He was beyond worried, he knew how his father felt towards the boy and he didn't want anything to happen to him


Seonghwa sped to the hospital, definitely not going the speed limit. He quickly arrived at the hospital and ran into the main waiting area completely forgetting about Changbin

He spotted Wooyoung pacing back and forth in the corner so he ran up to him.

"What's happening woo, talk to me"

"He's in critical condition. Before i got there your father was going all at h-him" he choked trying to hold back his tears "He's in surgery now"

Seonghwa wrapped the boy in a hug knowing he needed it

"He'll be okay woo" he sighed hugging the boy tighter "he has to be"


A/N: this isn't what i had in mind so i may include what i originally wanted to or i could play it out and make a second book ? maybe idk

My Bestfriend, My Soulmate (Seongjoong)Where stories live. Discover now