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Hongjoong was the first to wake up of the 7. Luckily it was the beginning of their University's spring break so no one needed to get up and ready for classes

As Hongjoong struggled to get out of his warm comfortable bed he noticed once again a familiar pair of arms wrapped around him

Ah Seonghwa- How could i forget he mentally laughed

"Hwa" He whispered against the olders forehead "I'm going to go make pancakes, can you please let go of me"

The boy only shook his head responding "I'm help"

"Hwa, you're so tired you can barely make sentences. Go back to sleep and i'll come get you when they are ready"

Seonghwa groaned as he let go of the younger finally allowing him to begin breakfast for all eight of them

Walking out into his living room, he saw everyone still asleep which meant he had to be somewhat quiet when making breakfast

Before he made breakfast he got out some Advil for himself taking the pill to hopefully help with his headache

He, himself wasn't very drunk but his headache was killing him so he figured he'd lay out some water and Advil for everyone else whenever they woke up

The first to wake up was Wooyoung, he got off the floor and walked into the kitchen where Hongjoong was cooking

He wrapped his arms around the olders waist and rested his head on his shoulder

"Mornin Woo~ Theres advil on the counter" Hongjoong said flipping the pancakes

"mmm. comfy" the younger hummed hugging Hongjoong tighter

"okay woo" he chuckled as he went back to the pancakes

"Coffee" Wooyoung pleaded although it was slightly muffled since he was still hugging Hongjoong tightly

"If you want coffee you have to let go Woo"

"no no no, comfy"

"okay" he chuckled at the youngers cute sudden clingyness

"Good Morning" Mingi said walking into the kitchen

"Morning Mingi" Hongjoong began "there Advil on the counter and there would be coffee but i have this little bug called Wooyoung attached to me preventing me from making any" he chuckled

"okay thank you"

"Heyyy" wooyoung said slightly hitting the older "if you want me to let go you can just say so" he began letting go of the younger

Hongjoong instantly pulled the younger back preventing him from leaving

"Yah. Can you two stop flirting already, it's too early for that shit" San suddenly appeared in the kitchen

"Sannie!" Wooyoung cheered running into his arms basically tackling him to the ground

"If everyone awake now?" Hongjoong questioned

"It looks like everyone besides Seonghwa is up" Yeosang observed walking towards the group, his boyfriend following

"I'll go wake up Hwa" Hongjoong said removing the last pancake from the burner "Wooyoung can you please get out plates, syrup and other toppings and put them in the table as i wake him up"

Wooyoung nodded as Hongjoong began walking into his room where Seonghwa was supposedly sleeping

"Hwa" he said as he knocked on the door

When he entered the room he saw the older in a ball shaking on the floor

"Hwa" Hongjoong rushed over to the boy on the floor rubbing his back "What's wrong seonghwa?"

The boy didn't respond, he slowly got up from his ball position and hugged the younger. Hongjoong could tell he was crying so he continued to rub his back

"It's my parents" he began

"it's okay hwa- you don't have to tell me if you're not ready"

"no no, um" he began "they are coming up to visit me for the week"


A/N: sorry this is kinda short, but Addyson said i should
post so yeah :)

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