Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A sudden smile spread over Garrett's face as the light around us darkened. I felt a sense of evil spread through me as a tornado of black smoke appeared in front of us.

I quickly turned my head into Cas's chest, as if to cover myself from the darkness that seemed to be expanding in the room. Wind whipped through my hair, causing Cas and I to fall. A sharp pain spread throughout my back at the impact and I cried out in pain.

Though now my eyes weren't covered, I could see the embodiment of evil before me.

A woman stood, her hands blazing fire. Her eyes are dark with hatred and power, a shiver went down my back as I looked into her eyes. My heart beat widely as I felt intimidated under her powerful gaze, though I refused to look away. I felt fear sink into my heart as I stared at her. The black mist surrounded her, as if it was protecting the witch. Garrett and Damian walked to stand on either side of her, sickening smiles plastered across their faces.

"Now who's screwed." Damian taunted.

I looked away from the witch and stared daggers into Damian's eyes and he stared right back. His face contorted with the same anger the witch seemed to hold.

"Lilura, destroy them." Garrett said, pointing at Cas and I.

I watched as the witch lifted a blazing hand towards us and spoke a silent curse.

"Aurora." Cas yelled and tried to pull me up and away from the black smoke that was drawing near us. I tried to get up, but the pain in my back was causing me to stumble and trip back onto the floor.

"Cas, leave without me. Please." I looked up at him.

"No, I'm not leaving you Aurora." He responded and looked back up at the smoke.


"I love you." He said, cutting me off and capturing my lips with his. I knew the curse was enclosing around us, but I couldn't think, I couldn't think about the cold of death that would soon come. I couldn't think about escaping. I was only replaying Cas's words in my mind, I love you. And the thing was, I loved him too. The feelings I had for him became clear. I loved him more than anything. Our hearts seemed to beat as one and I couldn't think of any other way to die than in the one of the man I love.

Though as we waited, the pain of death didn't come. We broke our kiss and looked around to see we were still in the ballroom of the castle. Though now the black smoke seemed to be blocked by an invisible fortress.

"Run." A witch said from behind us. "We don't know how long we'll be able to hold the curse much longer. This witch is strong."

"Come on." Cas said, taking hold of my hand and pulling me with him, I quickly grabbed the blood soaked dagger that laid on the ground and placed it in the front of my dress. I let Eric pull me past the witch who held the barrier and into the foyer.

"Wait. Where's Calia and Daphne?" I asked, in the midst of what had happened, I had lost track of them.

"They went to find Elizabeth." Someone said, walking through the front door. "Now hurry, I doubt Margery and the others will be able to hold the shield much longer, though they are our strongest."

"But I can't leave without them ." I protested, the strong feeling to protect my mother figure and best friend seeped through me. I needed to know that they were safe.

"Alright. Serenity." The witch called and another appeared. Her appearance screamed power and strength. "Go and find the Queen and Daphne, make sure they're alright and then meet us back at camp."

"Yes Lyra." Serenity said and ran in the direction of the dungeons.

"Now, we must leave." Lyra said, taking a hold of my free wrist and pulled me through the castle doors.

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