Chapter Three

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Despite her words, I stayed with Mother and continued down the path. Though as we neared our home the path became littered with rocks and weeds that I didn't have much trouble getting through. My mother on the other hand had a slightly more difficult time. Unlike mine, her shoes had heals on them, which constantly dug into the dirt and couldn't get free.

"Aurora, Darling. Could you please help?" She asked with a weak smile and I felt obliged to help.

"I told you to buy different shoes, mother. You always get into this mess when we walk home." I said pulling her foot free from the mud trap.

"Aurora, I do not need your help with fashion advice." She said and continued down the path. Still getting stuck in the mud, causing us to be an hour late.

When we reached home, my father was waiting outside, a disapproved look on his face. It was rare to see my father with a disapproved expression. Though when he did it was usually towards my mother.

"Where have you two been?" He asked us, though mother was out of breath and couldn't give a good enough answer.

"We... were... shopping." She breathed and struggled as I helped her inside and onto the sofa.

"Shopping?" He questioned, as if it were a bad thing, and to be honest, it kind of was.

"Yes dear, for the ball that the king had invited us to." She answered. Taking a fan from the table beside the sofa and fanning herself with it. Despite her exhaustion, I felt fine and a bit energized.

"Isn't that next week?" He probed, his expression grown more annoyed by the second.

"Yes, but-"

"No, you are not to spend anymore money on that ball, not until I get back from my trip." Father said, picking up his hat and cloak. It took me a second to register what he said and then I took off after him.

"Wait father, you're leaving again?" I asked as he walked out the front door.

"Yes, I am. I'll be back in a few days." He said as he walked towards the stable that held our buggy and carriage.

"But father, you can't leave me alone with her again." I whined, sure I could stand my mother at the market for an hour or two, but for a couple of days. I would surely go insane. My father stopped and turned to me, he was an easy person to read. His expression read 'not today Aurora.' I could already hear his tired and annoyed voice before he said anything.

"You'll be fine, just go to town and spend some time with Daphne." He said, opening the door to the carriage house. Inside there were a few servants cleaning the carriage wagon. "Cas, would you get Clove and hook him up to the buggy?"

Bucky was our horse, though he was getting on in years he was still a noble horse and had a bit more life left in him.

Cassian Garia was my fathers right hand man here. He helped with almost everything. We were close in years, it made me feel better to have a friend who worked with the few servants we had here and with my father for that matter.

"Father." I groaned as he readied the carriage.

"Aurora, your mother loves you dearly. Though she may not express it through the normal way, she makes up for it in... wanting the best for you." He reasoned, I could see Jensen in the distance with Clove. We locked eyes for a split second before he looked away.

"Can you please stay?" I begged.

"I can't, your mother keeps spending money, so I have to make more." He said and I silently cursed my mother for wanting to buy everything she sees. "I'll see you in a few days."

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