Chapter Twenty-Six

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The rest of the day went by too quickly. Daphne continued to tell me about William while figuring out how my hair will look for tomorrow.

Whenever I started to think about the day to come, my breaths became short and my heart wanted to break into a thousand pieces. It didn't help that Cas's letter still hadn't arrived, even if it had only been a couple of hours since I last spoke of him.

"Miss Daphne, Lady Aurora must get to sleep if she wants to look good for tomorrow." A maid said from behind me.

I looked out the window and saw that it was pitch black outside. I always hated how time flew when I was with Daphne. Though this time I had especially despised it. I wished I had spent longer with her, I wish I didn't have to get married tomorrow, I wish everything had gone back to normal, I wish I had my father back.

So many wishes went through my mind, but none would come true. Because from what I've learned while being in this castle, wishes didn't come true.

"Wait Daphne, I have something to ask you." I said as Daphne went towards the door.

"What would you like, Lady Aurora?" Daphne said, mimicking the maid. It felt weird having my best friend call me Lady. I mentally rolled my eyes at the pure idiocy of having titles for ranks.

"Would you do me the honour of being my maid of honour." I said, presenting her with a ring I had found in the vanity.

"Aurora, this is so unexpected." Daphne pretended to be shocked. Ever since we were children we had planned on being each other's maid of honour, even if it were a forced marriage. "I would love to."

I smiled up at her and placed the ring on her finger. We went into a fit of giggles when it didn't fit.

"Miss Daphne?" The maid said, I could hear the growing annoyance in her voice.

"I heard you for the first time." Daphne retorted, she was always a bit rude when it came to people who annoyed her, and I didn't blame her. "I'll see you tomorrow."

I nodded and gave her a quick hug. I watched as she left the room with the maid. I quickly discarded the simple dress I had on and slipped into a nightgown. Despite what might happen tomorrow, I was going to miss this bed. The white sheets filled my vision as I climbed onto the mattress, one of the only things in this castle that gave me true comfort.

It's soft pillows cushioned my head as my eyes drifted closed and I ignored the imposing thoughts of tomorrow. Sinking deeper into the mattress I made my attempt at sleep.


"Hello?" I called out into the open field. My mind tried to place where I was, until I saw a figure in the distance.

"Aurora Whitmore." A voice called out. Though the figure was on the other side of the field, it's voice seemed to be right beside me. My heart was beating rapidly as I tried to get a good sense of who was talking to me.

"Who are you?" I yelled at the figure.

"Don't go through with it." The voice warned.

"Don't go through with what?" I asked. My thoughts went from wondering who the figure was to what it could possibly be telling me.

"Don't go through with it." It said again.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I yelled and I suddenly felt the world shaking.

A bright light appeared above the figure, trapping it. The ground continued to shake as I watched the figure get carried up into the sky. It's blinding light doing nothing to my eyes as I continued to stare up at it, screaming for it to come back, to tell me what it was talking about.

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