Chapter Two

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"Mother, I am not wearing this to the ball." I said, twirling around in the bright yellow and orange dress that my mother had forced me into.

Yesterday had gone by in an excruciatingly slow manner. I was rushed into store after store, shoes, bonnets, necklaces were bought without a second glance. My mother wanted me to be the brightest, most elegant when I met the prince. Though all I saw was a circus freak who had stumbled into a party by mistake. I couldn't get her to see things in my perspective. Her mind was locked and couldn't be changed even if I tried.

"But darling you look wonderful." My mother said, looking up at me than at the seamstress. Miss Daphne Warner was the local dressmaker. If we brought her the materials she could make any dress we'd wish. Being said, my mother brought as much fabric to make at least ten dresses, all of them being hideous.

"Mother." I groaned, looking into the mirror at the outrageous look.

"You know Miss Aurora would look amazing in a midnight blue." Miss Daphne said. I gave her a small smile of appreciation.

Daphne was 21, only two years older than I. Due to our similarities in age I always went to her for advice and just for someone to talk to, I thought of her as an older sister, since I had no siblings of my own.

"Midnight blue, preposterous. She would never be able to catch the princes eye. All the girls there will be wearing an array of pinks, reds and blues. My daughter must be the one to stand out." My mother said, picking up another orange fabric and placing it in Daphne's awaiting arms. Standing out was an understatement. I would be the center of attention and not in a good way."Now make sure her dress has as many colours as a rainbow."

I drew in a deep breath as though to calm myself from my mothers aggravation. I thought of all the ways my plan could work. I didn't want to use the dress idea I had had when I first entered the dressmakers shop. I had seen the bustle of mothers and daughters yesterday. Each of them thought people would wear pleasant colours, such as scarlet red or emerald green. The colours, orange, yellow or even a different, unpleasant shade of green were what nobody wanted. Therefore becoming the most sought after colours in Lightwood. I was obviously the only one besides Daphne who could see that.

My reflection in the mirror in front of me seemed to hold the same thoughts that I did. This was a terrible dress that should be burned. I wasn't criticising Daphne's work, no, her talents should be used on something other than this.

"Aurora, get out of that dress, we need to give Miss Warner time and space to add details to your gown. The ball is next week and we need the perfect outfit for you." My mother said, pulling me off of the raised platform in the middle of the shop. Though I didn't know what she meant by details, this gown had more details than a tapestry in the palace.

"Yes mother." I said, my mother motioning for Daphne to help me out of this death trap.

"This might take a while, why don't you come to the back with me." Daphne said, taking a hold of my wrist and pulling me through a curtain into her work room before I could say anything.

"Daphne!" I whispered angrily as she yanked me back.

"Why on earth are you going to that ball?" She asked, staring at me intensely as if it would get my confession. I wasn't surprised by her anger at me going to the ball. She hated the royal family almost as much as me, which was another thing we bonded over besides other girl stuff.

"I thought I would try out the whole princess thing." I lied, though I wasn't very good at it, Daphne could read me like a book and could tell when I was being untruthful.

"I've known you for almost my whole life, you've never been one for parties and dresses. So tell me why you want to go to this one?" She demanded and I felt small against her gaze.

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