Jay asked, sitting on an empty box turned upside down.

"Yes, we do because it happens all the time to us! Now at any moment were gonna look out and see water literally covering the entire beach, then we're gonna have to get to higher ground cause the island is gonna be flooded with water because of someone jinxed us!"

"Too late."

Ronin spoke, peeking out of the thin sheet of ice. Water had already reached the side of the ship, with sheets of rain powering the rising sea level that would soon reach them.

"We need to get to the temple of light."

Wu said, lifting himself from the creakg chair.

"Without getting Cole killed? That might be a bit difficult to do."

Wu raised an eyebrow. Nya sighed.

"Without Cole AND Morro getting killed."

"We can use our dragons to fly up there. Jay can be ahead to draw away the lightning-"

"WHY ME?!"

"You're the master of lightning idiot! It won't kill you dUMBASS."

"It'll still hurt, dumb dumb!"

Kai and Jay held their foreheads against each other, glaring. Cole pulled them apart, rolling his eyes.

"Continue, Sensei."

"Thank you Cole. As I was saying, Jay can draw away the lightning so none of us getting hit by it. Nya, Morro, and Cole can ride on Kai's dragon, since ghosts don't weight anything. Nya can form a shield around them of water to prevent the water from dropping on them."

"Nuh-uh, I ain't letting him on my dragon again."

Kai glared at Morro, slight smoke billowing from his nose as he let out a large huff.

"I'll let Nya and Cole on mine of course, but not that sleezy, lying, killing, bitch."

The red ninja turned and stormed out of the lower deck, a slam of a door followed. Wu looked to the other ninja with broken eyes. Jay, Nya, Cole, and Zane glanced at each other before taking off after Kai. The doors to the room were all open except for one. Lloyd's, which was on the right, or top, side of the hall. Cole lifted Nya to let her turn the knob. She pushed it open and crawled up, seeing Kai sitting against the wall, holding a photo frame. She helped Zane up, who both helped Jay up, then all helped Cole up. They walked to Kai and sat down on either sides of him, looking down at the photo.

They were all in their regular clothes, which was usually sweatpants and hoodies. The date on the corner confirmed it was shortly after the Tournament of Elements, about a month after. Lloyd was still recovering from loosing his father, so the ninja were letting him have his space.

Though, they wanted to attempt to cheer him up. Nya and Kai were holding Lloyd up, who was shouting at them while laughing as Cole tickled his stomach. Jay, who held the camera based on his recognizable hair in the corner, and Zane were running towards them to help hold Lloyd up who fought against the siblings grip playfully.

The other ninja had remembered that was the first smile they had seen from the blonde in a long while. After Lloyd successfully managed to escape from their grip, he took refugee on the sail, which had eventually became his safe area.

A drop water fell onto the photo. Kai wiped away his tears, holding back a sob.

"I promised to protect him, I couldn't do it."

His voice quivered, threatening to break at any moment. Kai was pulled into a group hug.

"We all did, it's not your fault Kai. It's okay."

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