'I see, so he materializes himself when he has to touch anything physically' soon Minato threw number of marked kunais at masked man. "Is that all you can do?" Said the masked man while deflecting all kunais with his own. "Try to defend this" said Minato as he threw a kunai straighy aiming at masked man's heart. Masked man swung his kunai casually trying to deflect the kunai but as soon as his kunai touched Minato's kunai Minato teleported right beside him "Rasengan". This time Minato successfully hit his attack on Masked man's stomach which sent him flying miles away knocking him on a wall. "Just as they say...you are truly powerful" said Masked man in pain.
As soon as masked man walked a little towards Minato he was suddenly engaged in an hand to hand combat.
Masked man was easily able to defend his attacks even when he was just hit by Rasengan. "Are you holding back? But I won't" said masked man as he quickly grabbed Minato's hand easily twisting it. "This is where you die" said the masked man as he tried to slice Minato's neck by a kunai. "Now Kushina!" screamed Minato.

Before masked man could retreat from his position he was stabbed by numerous yellow chains and was thrown away. 'K-kushina?...now I see, you purposely let me overpower you so that I could touch you physically. That's when I would materialize and Kushina would attack.' "Just in one spar you were able to see through my attacks...I didn't thought I would use it so early...."Susanoo!!" A huge blue coloured Susanoo was created by masked man. "I guess I have to get serious too" said Minato as he activated his sage mode. "Kushina I would require your chakra chains just stay behind me" whispered Mianto to which Kushina silently nodded. "Take this" screamed masked man as he fired flames through Susanoo. "Water style: Tsunami", Kushina fired water to extinguish the flames. "Mud style: mud  branches!, Chakra Chains!!......


"I expected more from you....show me that power which you showed me that day" said Pain standing tall and untouched in front of Menma who was exhausted. "Don't act like we have met before.."Fire style: Fire dragon jutsu"
Menma fired flames towards Pain but were vanished before they could reach Pain. "This one is weaker one show me--" before Pain could finish his sentence he saw a huge fireball coming towards him which he dodged but his hand was cought in it. "Menma is not alone we all are there" said Sasuke. With him were everyone of Konoha 13 group. 'Why didn't he sucked in that jutsu too? Is it that there is some time interval between his jutsus?' Thought Menma. Everyone rushed towards Pain but were pushed back with huge force.
"You can't defeat me like this" said Pain as he pulled Menma towards him and stabbed him with chakra rods several times.

"Katon Gokakyu no jutsu"

"Eight triagrams 64 palms"

"Gentle step twin lions fist"

"Shadow Possession Jutsu "

"Human bullet tank"

"Sixth gate of joy open!!"


Everyone tried to attack Pain with an all out combination attack. As a group whenever they had used this combo they never failed.....but this shinobi front of him was different.

"So many obstacles, they are not allowing us to fight alone." 'I think I will have to use it, though it will shorten my life I am not here to live anyways' thought Pain. "He is gathering a lot...oh my god that's a lot and lot of concentrated chakra. What the hell is he going to do? We have to retreat" mumbled Neji to himself as he rushed towards Pain. Suddenly he stopped in his track, "Everyone stop your attack he is--" it was too late for Neji to warn everyone. "Shinra tensei!!" Said Pain.
Suddenly everyone were pushed miles back with a lot of force. Anything which came in between the track was destroyed like nothing. In an instant about a quarter of village was destroyed. Everyone was lying on the ground separated from each other by huge distances. 'What was that I-I cant even move myself' thought Sasuke.
Only two people who were near Pain were Narumi and Menma. Both were severly injured.

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