chapter 15

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No one's pov

"Oh no oh no oh no!!!" Jimin stressed as he tried his best to keep his balance.

"I can't believe it's 5 in the evening and we're so drunk." Jin said, giggling to himself.

Taehyung was seen in the parking lot, twirling and swirling around like a ballerina, gleefully laughing and squealing.

"Wheeeee! I'm.on cloud nine bitches!!!"

"On cloud nine he is" Hoseok laughed, soon followed by the other two.

The boys laughed even harder when they witnessed Taehyung swung into a green trash can, apologizing to the toppled over object, almost toppling over himself.

"Nah Jimin, he's on another galaxy at this point." Hoseok laughed.

"Okay so can we all agree that were all too drunk to drive ourselves home this evening?" Jin asked through lidded eyes.

"No definitely yes. I can't even feel my teeth at this point" Jimin said, touching his gums for any sign of feeling.

"WHAATT A WONDERFUL WOOOORRRLLDD I CANT EXPLAAAAIINNN- YOUNG K RULES BITCHES!!!!" Taehyung proclaimed, now sitting in the row boat decoration near the entrance.

"Oh my god- TAEHYUNG GET OUT OF THERE!" Jin yelled.

"ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOAT! GENTLY DOWN THE STREAM!!!" Taehyung shouted at the top of his lungs, ignoring Jin's stern request.

"Okay so I called my boss." Hoseok announced. "He said he'll come and pick me up. Are you guys sorted with a lift?"

"I'm not that that drunk so I'll still be able to.focus on the road. I can take Jimin home with me but what about fisherman Joe over there?" Jin asked, pointing to Taehyung who was still sitting in the fisherman's boat.

"You know, I'll ask my boss to drop him off at home. You guys go ahead and travel safe okay?"

"Mmhmmkay, c'mon Jimin. Don't fall now." Soon, the two boys were set in their car and they left the premises, leaving Hoseok and Taehyung there alone.

Hoseok dragged himself down the stairs and went up to the boat, climbing into it and taking a seat next to Taehyung, who seemed to be in his own world.

Now, with the two alone, Hoseok could really speak to the younger and see what really was going on with him. Ever since he saw the younger for the first time in years today, he saw the heart sore in his eyes... And he knew for a fact that Taehyung never drank himself to this point of drunkenness if something weren't bothering him.

"Taehyung?" Hoseok called out.

"Mmhmm?" He replied, still in his own world.

"Are you- are you okay?" Hoseok asked worriedly.

Taehyung looked at the older male and smiled broadly, making his eyes wrinkle on its sides.

"Of course I'm okay, peachy, as always!" Taehyung turned away from Hoseok and muttered a soft "as fucking always". Hoseok heard it and wasn't going to drop the subject. He had to find out what was bothering the younger so much.

"Tae, what's wrong?" Hoseok asked more seriously.

"Nothing's wrong, Hoseok. It's just that-" Taehyung stopped for a second and looked at the now setting sunset

"It's just that...what?" Hoseok asked.

"Don't you think everything's moving too fast? Time is moving too fast and I'm barely keeping up with it anymore."

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