last day of school

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A/N: bro i didn't even notice i reached 6k reads omg thank y'all soo much🥰(wrote this lil sentence like a week ago)
and im about to reach 7k🧍🏾‍♀️ byeeeeeeee i fucking love yall.

It was the last day of school and you honestly couldn't wait for the day to be over. All day you've been watching movies right along with class 1-A. It was the last 30 mins of the school year and you would be free for two and a half months. (sry i don't know how long summer break is in japan so i'm just going by mine)

Mr. aizawa had let y'all chill today since you all took exams the week after you came back from the small break they gave. It was kind of frustrating but you passed with flying colors, right along with everybody in the class.

Your cousin ended up moving with your mother and it didn't take him too long for him to settle. He was going to college while you were going to pursue your hero career.

You also ended up at bakugous house last weekend. You and his parents met months ago but it had been months since the last time you seen them.

flashback 4 months

"oh my gosh, what if they dont like me" you ran your hands through you hair pushing away it away from your face. (you had a lace on btw)

"its not like y'all have never talked before, its just you're meeting them in person for the first time" he leaned over placing a chaste kiss to your cheek

you sighed and nodded and grabbed your purse finally opening the door.

Bakugou stepped out after you, locking his doors.

He rung the doorbell and not even 30 seconds later the door swung open to reveal his mother and his father standing not too far behind her.

She threw her arms around you, burying her face into your neck, she held you close not uttering a word and soon you settled into the embrace and had your arms wrapped around her waist, holding her close, a subtle smile on your face.

After a minute you both pulled away from the warm hug and she spoke for the first time since you got there.

"its nice to finally meet you luvvy" she sighed thankfully, you smiled open heartedly

"you too, you're just as beautiful in person as you are on facetime if not even more" you breathed out as the two males just standing around watched your interaction

"stop it" she playfully nudged your shoulder "you are so pretty, i can see why the pomeranian chose you" she laughed when she seen out of the corner of her eye how bakugou sneered at her.

You joined her in her round of laughter before being pulled into the house, her warm, soft hand encased around your wrist as she led you to the living room.

Bakugou and his dad had left to catch up on what's been going the past few months after seeing you snuggled up beside his mother as you two watched movies and ate snacks and caught up.

He was glad you were getting along, it brought a genuine smile to his face. You were worried for nothing seeing  how comfortable around each other you both were.

You instantly connected and you knew you'd be able to come to her about things that maybe you aren't ready to tell your boyfriend.

She understood you and you understood her. You two laughed and talked about everything and nothing all day until it got really late and you wished her goodnight and you did the same. Bakugou had came back a hour before from his outing with his dad and was got on his game as soon as he was in his room, you could practically hear him yelling at the screen from downstairs.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed the side of his head before nuzzling your face into his neck. He let out a content sigh before letting the people he was on the game know he was logging off for the night.

Once he turned off the game he spun around and picked you up, holding you by your thighs to which you giggled subtly at as he layed you both down on his bed. You two fell asleep not too long after a warm smile on the both of your faces.

Flashback end

You silently cheered as the bell rang, signaling school was over and done with. Your graduation was tomorrow and you didn't have anything done. Your nail appointment was later today and you needed to run a couple of errands before you went.


Bakugou had followed you around for the rest of the day, even waiting for you at your nail appointment. You found it cute how he was following you around like a lost puppy.

Right now you were sitting in the parking lot of the beauty supply store because you needed to get some stuff so you could do your hair tonight.

"remember the last time we were here?" bakugou turned to face you his hand on your thigh as he reminisced about the first day y'all met.

"how could I ever forget" you asked. A smile playing on your lips as you quirked one of your eyebrows up. "why were y'all even in there"

"i was getting some natural hair products for mina, she didn't have a car at the time and I was near so" he shrugged his shoulders "but uraraka must have been walking and saw me walking in there so she followed me like a creep"

"im glad she hasn't bothered us the rest of the year, like 3 months into us dating she would give me stank looks but I just ignored it. Old me would've went ape shit but i stayed calm. Now that's what you call progress" you stuck your tongue out holding up your arm flexing your muscles which made the  male next to you laugh.

You snickered along with him before turning off your car and walking in the store together, your hands encased in his big, slightly rough ones.


You were in your dorm room, boxes all over the room as you sat at your vanity doing your hair while bakugou was laid across your bed on his phone. It was currently around 10 at night and you were almost done you just had to do your edges and wrap it up for the night and you'd be good.

"kiri's throwing a after graduation party" the other said after a couple of minutes as he continued scrolling on his phone.

You grabbed your scarf and wrapped it around the front of your hair and threw on a bonnet and plopped on top of your boyfriend.

"yeah? you going?" you mumbled tiredly into the olders chest

"only if you're going" he shrugged his shoulders

you thought for a moment before speaking again. "i mean i guess, i haven't been to a party in forever so yea i'll go"

"alright, ill let kiri know" you lazily nodded your head and soon your breathing evened out as sleep enveloped you.

Bakugou noticed so he set his phone on your nightstand and turned off the lamp putting one of his hands on your back and under your shirt running it up and down your smooth skin. It didn't take him too long for him to fall asleep as you both were in each others warm embrace.

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