what are we?

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Another two months had passed since the party, you and bakugo were now in the 'talking stage' as people loved to call it. It was a saturday and everybody was either taking naps,out or in their rooms just chilling, but you and kiri were in the common room talking and hanging out

"Y/N you've been ignoring bakugo all day, what happened?" kirishima says to you concerned

"I haven't been ignoring him, i've been avoiding him" you say "okay its kind of the same thing but listen, that hoe uraraka still trynna mess with him even tho she clearly see that we fuck with eachother, and i know he's not entertaining her i just dont know how to talk to him about it. Im not jealous or anything but i just don't know....kiriii bestieee help me i dont know what to do" you said as kirishima sat next to you not knowing what to say

"well i really dont know what to say, but i do know that he likes you because of how much he talks about you like nonstop, im not gon lie sometimes he be asking me for advice but don't tell him i said that, trust me he feels the same way you do" kiri said comforting you

"awwwe, thanks bestiee, anyways tell me how you feel about mina" you got comfortable with your head on his lap "i know she's your girl and all thanks to me but tell me i wanna hear you gush over her like how you used to before you asked her out" you said trying to take the attention off of you

"i- ummm, she's really sweet and nice don't get me wrong, but her attitude is something else, sometimes i just be wanting to fuck the shit out of her to put her in her place but yk but we haven't even gotten to the sex stage yet its been a few months but i dont want to force her into anything if she isn't ready you know?" kirishima said as he fiddled with his fingers

you looked at him with wide eyes. "kiri im pretty sure that's why she has an attitude" you said laughing "just talk to her about it and see how she feels if you want to take things slow then do that, you guys have been friends for a while so it's not like you just jumped into a relationship with somebody you just met"

"you're right thanks bestie ill go talk to her now" he said, you lifted your head up allowing him to stand up as he ran towards the elevator he waved at you before the doors closed

"bye bestie" you said as you were about to get up and walk to the kitchen until you saw bakugo walk out of the elevator, You rushed trying to put the blanket you had with you over yourself attempting to hide from him hoping he didn't see you but just your luck.

"OI! dumbass! i know you've been ignoring me" he says as he walks up to the couch your sitting on

You didn't say anything so he did. "Idiot, i know you're under there i'm not stupid" you still didn't say anything again so he grabbed the blanket and uncovered your face. With him hovering over you, you blushed and you were glad he couldn't tell because of your skin complexion. "can you stop ignoring me i wanna talk to you" he said as his face went soft.

"i was avoiding you not ignoring you, move from over me like that" you said sitting up allowing him space to sit down.

" i just wanted to say that- ummm" he said as he sat down next to you. "fuck Y/N you drive me crazy, i fucking like you there i said it!" he said slightly yelling

a smirk grew on your face "fucking idiot, i know that. Come on" you said grabbing his arm as you led him to the elevator up to your room.
You finally got to your room, you still had his arm in your hand as you pulled him into your room closing and locking the door.
"you already know i like you too, sorry i was avoiding you i was just backing off because of uraraka " you said walking over to your bed

"uraraka? you know i dont like her like that. I only have my eyes on you." he said sitting on your bed "come here" he said patting his lap signaling he wanted to you straddle him

you then got up from where you were sitting and straddled him. "im sorry, i pinky promise i wont avoid you anymore over something stupid like this again" you said holding out your pinky puckering up your lips and leaning in for a kiss

"pinky promise" he said as he connected his pinky to yours and leaned in kissing you

"i can't believe we're 3rd years yet we are so playful we kinda act like 6 year olds" you said pulling away from the kiss giggling a little (yes we are going to imagine that we are 3rd years)

"thats what makes it fun and not boring" he said laughing a bit as he stopped and started staring at your lips

you were a little confused at first but then caught on soon, you smiled staring at his lips in return

Right then he smashed his lips onto yours, his hands roaming from your lower back gripping onto your ass, soon after his left hand roamed to the back of your head gripping your hair. You then pushed him on the bed still straddling him you moved down to his neck sucking and nibbling on his neck giving him visible hickeys. He then sat up a little to take off his shirt revealing his abs. You stopped for a second 'should i do this, i dont think im ready right now. i wonder if he'll be mad at me if i tell him im not ready' your thoughts filled your head causing you to zone out.

"Y/N are you okay, you've been staring into space for a good two minutes" he snapped his fingers in your face making you snap out of your strance.

"im okay, but ummm..." you were nervous to tell him, thinking he wouldn't want you anymore

"you're not ready?" he basically read your mind but he said it all with a small genuine smile on his face.

You nodded your head avoiding his eyes making him grab your face between his fingers forcing you to look at him.

"Y/N ill never force you to do anything you wouldn't want me to, im here to stay i dont care if you never give yourself to me" he said genuinely

You smiled and connected your lips for the last time for the night. "thank you" you threw your arms around him laying your head in the crook of his neck.

"im sorry" you mumbled

"hey, never say sorry for anything like this ever, i promise im not mad at you" he kissed your cheek reassuring you.

You soon began to doze off on his lap, your arms falling limp around him. He noticed you fell and asleep so he stood up, you still wrapped around him like a koala. He grabbed one of his sweatshirts and some basketball shorts.

First putting the shirt over your head then taking the one underneath off, making sure he didn't wake you. Then he looked away he took off the pants you had on and slipped on the basketball shorts and put you in your bed him climbing in after snuggling into your chest. You had woken up a little in the process so you decided to
just ask whats beens on your mind all day.

"katsuki what are we, like i know we like each other but what are we exactly" you voice was groggy and laced with sleep

he grinned into your chest before speaking "well i dont have an answer to that, so will you be my girlfriend?" his voice coming out barely a whisper but you heard him loud and clear

"i would love to" you smiled, your eyes still shut

his grin widened "goodnight baby"

"goodnight" with that you both dozed off to sleep without a second thought.

Pull me closer (Bakugo X Black Reader) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora