the past

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A/N: i wanted to thank you guys for 1k reads even though the first couple of chapters were trash and cringey. I was so tempted to start this whole story over but i didn't and here i am. I Love each and every one of you ❤️.

Sorry for any spelling/ grammar mistakes and i hope you guys like this chapter.

You woke up to your alarm constantly ringing in your ear. You got up showered, brushed your teeth and did your skin care routine. This was your everyday routine. Today was slow almost as if time was standing still. You wanted the day to be over with, you wanted the week to be over with. The scene from years ago was replaying over and over again in your head. You were mad, you wanted your revenge for what he did. He tortured your mother to the brink of death thinking it would kill her but no you used your energy every single drop of it to save her so you wouldn't be alone in this world and here he is trying to get you on his side, like seriously what kind of bullshit. There was no way in hell you'd ever stand by him willingly or pridefully.

You must have zoned out in class because mr. aizawa was waving his hand over your face saying your name trying to get your attention. You jumped back to reality and looked up at mr. aizawa who had a worried expression on his face and then around the room to see everybody staring holes into you.

"im fine, sorry" you looked down at your desk as you fiddled with your fingers under the wooden material. Your eyes were bloodshot red from the amount of crying you were doing in your room just hours before.

"ummm, are you sure" you nodded your head reassuring mr.aizawa that you were okay which was a lie and he knew it. "okay let me know if anything is wrong" he walked back up to the front of the classroom and for about 30 mins you were doing good, you hadn't spaced out since and have been paying attention what the teacher in the front of the classroom has been saying. All of a sudden those images of your more than half dead mother flashed across your eyes.

Then you felt sick, really fucking sick. You shot up from your seat almost knocking your chair over and sprinted out of the classroom and into the nearest girls bathroom. As you ran through the halls you felt the hot substance starting to travel up your throat and you tried your best to keep it on your mouth until you reached the toilet. Which thank god you did, as soon as you made it you ran into one of the stalls and let it all out in the toilet.

You then felt the piece of hair that were hanging being pulled back out of your face as you vomitted up your internal organs. "let it all out it's okay" that voice was familiar, of course it was it was your bestfriend mina. She rubbed your back soothing you a little.

Once you didn't have the urge to puke anymore you grabbed some toilet paper and wiped your mouth and tossed it in the toilet and flushed it. You made sure to wipe around the seat just in case any vomit got on the seats.

You got up and washed your hands mina doing the same. You also cupped some water into your hands and tossed it into your mouth, you swished it around washing out your mouth and spit it back out.

"Thank you bestie, i really do love you." you softly smiled at her drying your mouth and hands off

"you know i'll always be here for you no matter what so you can tell me anything, tell me what bothering you. I promise i'm here to listen." she said following you out of the bathroom

You nodded your head walking to the drink vending machine and getting a bottle of water to wash down your mouth and also to soothe the dry feeling in your throat. You almost moaned as the icy substance hit the back of your throat cooling it down. "Ill tell you after school just come to my dorm also can you sleep in there with me i dont really wanna be alone right now"

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