the family

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When you woke up it was around 8 in the morning. You don't really know why you woke up so early but you decided to just get up. But when you got up your legs were shaking, and you thighs were sore. You groaned lowly because bakugou was still sleep. You made your way over to your dresser and slipped on some shorts because at the moment you only had on your boyfriends shirt.

Then you put on your house shoes that were by the room door and quietly made your way downstairs.

When you got there you went to the kitchen and checked the fridge to see if it was any groceries or food and it was decent but there was some stuff you needed to get soo you went back up stairs and put on some longer shorts and some crocs and grabbed your keys and your wallet and headed out the door.

Once you got to the grocery store and you got everything you needed you went back to the house and thankfully everybody was still sleep. You started off by making french toast, waffles and bacon and once they were done you put them in a aluminum pan. Then you moved on to making the rest of the food.

As you were setting up the food your mom came out of her room and sat at the dinner table.

"mmm thank you for cooking, you know you didn't have to do that" her voice was laced with sleep as she spoke

a smile crept up onto your face, you shook your head a little before speaking "you know i love cooking, i dont mind"

Once you had finished putting the food on the table you grabbed a bunch of paper plates, spoons and forks and put them on the table also. By the time you were done everybody had came downstairs and were sitting down and eating, making conversation with each other.

"anybody want anything to drink?" you said before you went to fix your food

Everybody said yeah so you just brought a jug of apple juice and orange juice and some glasses and put one in front of everybody and went around the table fixing the drink they preferred out of the two.

After fixing your food you went to sit down and there was literally one seat left and it was next to zay so you went and sat down and started eating, catching up with him in the mean time. You could see bakugou eyes flicker to the two of you every so often out of the corner of your eye but you just ignored it but after a while you were kind of annoyed. So once you finished eating you excused yourself and dragged katsuki upstairs with you to your room.

"what is your problem?" you raised your eyebrow


"it obviously is something, why do you keep looking at us like that. He's my cousin and i haven't seen him in a little over two years so sorry if i'm socializing with him more than i'm spending time with you" you breathed out in one go.

" i know im sorry" he looked down to his feet. "its just i wanna be around you all the time you know? it feels weird not having you next to me especially with what happened. I dont have a problem with him trust me on that though"

"its okay baby, you will always have me here with you. I pinky promise im not going anywhere" you held out your pinky and he looked up at you nodding his head and wrapped his pinky around yours.

You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck and went on your tippy toes to peck his lips.

"i love you" he pecked your lips again

"i love you too, now come on. lets go back downstairs" you laced your hands together and walked back downstairs to where everybody was coversating


(if the two outfit options are not your style

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(if the two outfit options are not your style... imagine something else, i promise you its not that hard. I just choose fits from my pinterest board. So please dont ask me to change the options bcz it's honestly too much work and also not everybody is gonna have the same style as you, and the same thing goes for me which is why i say if you don't like the mf fit choose a different one that's your style i don't understand why you feel the need to comment about it. Like im not changing it, that means i would have to republish the whole chapter and it's honestly too much work. Now if you want me to include your style into the options just use my message board and lmk your style or what style you would like to see in the options and i can do that but please for the love of god... if the chapter is already published and its been published dont ask me to change the options. Like i said just imagine something else. Thats all i had to say❤️)

"come on these are ugly" you said grabbing the shoe out of zays hand

"okay fine they're ugly" he rolled his eyes and grabbed the shoe out of your hand and put it back on the shelf

You guys were at the mall, well it was just you zay and baku squad plus jirou. You and bakugou were holding hands as you walked through the place.

You pulled bakugou out of the shoe store and went into a clothing store but not before telling zay y'all were gonna go somewhere else.

You ended up grabbing alot of things out of that one store. It was a pretty big shop so you weren't really suprised. Your total came up to around $600 and you were about to pay but bakugou quite literally shoved you out of the way and before you could gather yourself he stuck
his card in the machine and your eye widened at the gesture.

"why would you do that lil ugly" you pouted crossing your arms once you got yourself together

he didn't say anything but pull his card out of the machine once it allowed him to after the transaction went through.

"you did the same thing when we was at home earlier, i showed you 2 pairs of shoes i wanted on goat and you pushed me off the bed when i was about to checkout and grabbed your purse and ran downstairs, hid behind your mom and bought em" he cocked his head to side as he put his card back into its appropriate place.

you kissed your teeth and mumbling a 'whatever' and you made sure to say thank you bcz you knew he wasn't gonna let you pay anyways and you also had manners.

"come on lets go meet back up with everybody, i wanna go home and online shop" you intertwined your fingers together and walked out of the store.

A/N: this was honestly just a filler chapter, but im sorry im late on the upload, i got a job so publish schedule messed up. So im not gon post on a schedule no more, ill post when i can.

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