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After about two days we were able to go home. We walked into our apartment and Steve took Heather to her room. There was a knock on the door so I rushed to answer it. I opened it to find Susan. "Where's my little Heather Hargrove!" She exclaimed.  "Actually it's Heather Harrington," I corrected. She looked confused as I led her to Heather's room. Steve walked out of it and kissed me, oblivious to the fact that Susan was there. "Hello Steve," She said coldly. I shrugged and walked into her room. It was a pastely purple and her crib was towards the corner. "Oh hello my little Heather Hargrove!" "It's Harrington," I correct. She rolls her eyes and picks her up. She turns to look at me and backs away, almost disgusted. I turned around to see Steve on the ground on one knee with a ring. I gasped. "I don't want you to ever be alone, I love you, so (Y/N) Lidea (Lid-ay- uh) Hargrove will you make me the happiest man alive, and marry me?" He asks. "Yes!" I shout, running to kiss him. I connect our lips and smile.

About a year later it's our wedding day. "I am so nervous," I whisper to Robin, my maid of honor. "You have no reason to be, Harrington loves you, and you love him," She says, clipping a flower clip to my dress. "You're right," I agree, picking Heather up. "I love you little one," I say, nuzzling our noses together. Neither mine, nor Steve's parents were coming, so I was having Joyce walk me down the aisle. My bridesmaids were, Nancy, Eleven, Maxine, and my cousin Madalyn. Robin was my maid of honor as I mentioned and Heather was flower girl. "Heather you look so pretty," I tell her and she giggles. "So, have you and Steve had sex yet?" Maxine asks. I laugh. "Nope, not yet," I say. She makes an 'o' shape with her mouth before refocusing her attention on El, who was getting prettied up by Nancy. From the last I heard, Maxine was infatuated with her and would love to date her. I always sort of knew my little sister was lesbian,  she never talked about boys, only girls and how good of kissers she thought they were. "Go talk to her, or ask her to dance," I whisper. She nods and walks over to her and begins talking. "You ready?" Joyce asks. I nod. We interlock our elbows and 'stand by me' by Ben. E. King starts playing. Heather and Nancy start walking out, soon to be followed by Max and El and then Robin. Me and Joyce walked out soon after. I saw Steve's face light up and a large smile appears on his face. I smile back. I get to the alter and Joyce sits down. (Skip the vows and shit) "you may kiss the bride" he said. I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me back. "I love you," he said. "And I you Harrington," I said.

That night:
Joyce was watching Heather tonight, thank God.  Steve threw me over his shoulder and carried me into our hotel room. We started to makeout. Holy shit I'm gonna get railed tonight. He slips off my dress so I'm just in my bra and underwear, you are so fucking beautiful," he says, kissing my neck. "I love you," I moan. And boom, I got railed.

The morning after was anything but awkward. We woke up and he kissed my neck. I got out of bed and put on one of his shirts and jeans before going out to breakfast. I met up with Heather and gave her kisses. "Wait," I ask, turning to Steve. "Did we use a condom?" "Oops" he says, face falling.  Here we go again.

642 words

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