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I woke up in the middle of the night and saw everyone passed out.  I sighed and curled up into a ball.  I began to take shallow breaths, tears rolling down my face.  I was going to die in a russian elevator.  Not too mention I was freezing.  I heard someone waking up and froze.  "Hello?" Steve said.  I didn't move.  I heard footsteps and soon felt arms around me.  "You up?"  I nodded slowly. "I am," I said.  He kissed the top of my head, "It's okay, don't cry, we're gonna get out of here, you cold?" He tells me.  "A little," I say shyly.  He wraps his arm around me and we lay down and cuddle. "Goodnight (Y/N)" He says softly, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.  I blush and respond with, "You too Steve," "Can you two lovebirds shut up!" Robin shouts. 

The next morning I wake up and Steve nor Dustin was there, only Robin in Erica bickering in a corner.  'Ew, why does it smell like piss' I think before rolling my eyes and standing up.  "Morning sleepy head," Robin says, causing Erica to take the chance to steal the mystery liquid back and continuosly bang it on metal.  "Morning," I said in a monotone voice.  "Come on, this isn't work, show emotion,"   She said.  "Okay then," I said, pausing to clear my throat.  "Good morning!  Have you forgotten that we are still stuck, in a russian elevator?!" She chuckled and walked away.  "Hey, you're up," Steve said, climbing back down.  I nod and smile a bit.  He wraps his arm around my shoulder and his face softens, "(Y/N) there's something I have tp tell you," He starts and i nod, before we hear people coming.  "We got company" Robin says, grabbing me and Steve's hands.  We all rush up to the top and wait.  I hear a man below say 'it smells like piss' in russian.  I chuckle.  I see Steve looking at the liquid in Erica's hands.  

340 words

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