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The three of us sat in the room talking until Dustin arrived.  "Hey Henderson," I greeted.  "Hey, (Y/N/N)"  He said, smiling.  "I told you not to call me that," You scold.  "(Y/N/N),  (Y/N/N),(Y/N/N)," he teased and you flicked his hat off.  The bell rang and and you exited the room.  I opened the window so I could still sort of hear them.  I looked to see who rung the bell and it was just Erica Sinclair this time. "Hi, i'd like to try the peppermint stick," She said, the sass clear in her voice.  Robin motioned for me to bring Erica with me.  "Come with me," I say as I lead her to the back.  "What are you gonna do, give me the whole store?" She questioned. 

"Yeah, I don't know," She said, clicking the flashlight off and stepping off the ladder.  "You don't know if you can fit?" Robin asked.  "Oh I can fit, I just don't know if I want to," She sassed, causing me to roll my eyes.  "Are you claustraphobic?" I ask.  "I don't have phobias," she says.  "Then what's the problem," Robin questions.  "I still haven't heard what's in it for Erica," she says slowly, cocking her head to the side.

"more fudge please," She says, looking at Steve, "Go on," She shoos him away.  I get up and follow him.  "She's a real pain in the ass," I laugh once we  get in the back room.  "Yeah tell me about it, and she comes here every day!" He exclaims.  "I know, I was there," I joke.  He looks at you, "(Y/N) I-" "-Are you two lovebirds getting the fudge or what?! She's getting annoying," Robin complains.  "Hey! I heard that!" Erica shouts.  "Gotta go," Robin says, shutting the window.  Steve sets the ice cream down as I pour the fudge.  We walk back out to see Erica smirking.  "Free ice cream.  For.  Life." She says, making me and Steve groan. 

"Hey Erica," Robin says.  "Are you in position nerds?" Erica says.  "Yep we're here," Robin says.  "Okay, commence opperation child endangernent," She responds and I stifle a laugh.  "Can we maybe not call it that?" Robin says, clearly annoyed.  "See you on the other side, nerds," Erica replies, turning off her walkie.  Steve looks beyond worried so I go and give him a side hug.  He wraps his arms around my waist and I nuzzle my head into his side to hide my blush. 

About ten- fifteen minutes you hear static, "alright, I'm here," Erica says.  "What do you see?" I ask.  "I see those boxes you are so excited about." She responds and I smile.  "Any guards?" Robin asks.  "Nope," she says.  "Booby traps?" Steve blurts out.  "If I could see them they would be pretty shit traps," She sasses.  "Thank you for that," Robin remarks.  The doors open and Erica steps out, earning a sigh of relief from Steve.  "Free ice cream. For. Life," She says.  We nod and go to find a way down. 

We get down and walk into the room. The doors close, but I don't think much of it.  Steve takes out his box cutter and cuts open a box.  I see a metal type of contraption inside with handles.  "You might wanna step back," Steve says and I push Erica and Robin behind me, but dustin refuses to move.  "Buddy move," Steve says, "No!" Dustin says.  "If you die I die,"  Steve shrugs, "okay," He says and twists the handle, my breath hitches.  He pulls it out to reaveal a wierd green liquid.  "What the," I mutter.  "Let's just grab this thing and go," Robin says, putting the container in Erica's 'My little Pony' backpack.  Dustin goes to the door and presses the button marked 'open door'. "Hey Erica which button do I press?" he asks.  "Press 'open door'" she says like it's obvious.  "I'm pressing 'open door'" He replies.  "Then press the other one," she says as she walks over there.  Steve soon follows and I block out there bickering, a knack I picked up living with Billy and dad.  All of a sudden the room shifts and Steve runs to my side.  "Is it just me or did the room just move," he says. "Boooby traps," Erica whispers.  All of a sudden the room drops and I cling to Steve until we fall over.  I room stops moving moving moments later and a box falls onto my back.  I groan.  "Dustin!" Steve yells.  I feel tears prickling my eyes.  I sniffed, hoping no one would notice.  "Hey," Steve says quietly, wrapping his arms around me.  "Are you crying?" I shake my head no, but he doesn't believe me.  I burry my head into his chest in embarassment.  I feel Dustin lifting the box off of us and I know for a fact Robin was smirking.  I stand up and Steve does the same.   He hugs me tightly again and doesn't let go.  "We should get some sleep," I recommend, sniffling.  They all nod and I go to the corner to sleep.

858 Words

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