2- Freak(s)

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You can see it for yourself. You can see how her life plays out like a broken record, and she's lost in between the notes, forgotten.

Paradise, for others, is heaven and earth—maybe hell. But for Harper, it's anywhere but home, anywhere that makes her feel happy, noticed, special, one of a kind. Somewhere that gives her the attention she craves.

And the quiet, dull mornings are just the start of that record, it's always the same. Get up from bed, slip out of her room, and into the empty house—everyone's gone off to work or college. Eat alone, and eat whatever's quickest which is either expiring cereal or pop tarts.

Dull is her definition. Dull and drunk could be the title. Disconnected from emotion, no assurance from friends or family that you matter in this world. Paradise is what they call it to others but inside this paradise is nothing but loneliness and emptiness. Thankfully Harper is aware of this. And she's aware that money, in some cases, can buy happiness, but not here, not in Brookings. The wealthier you are, the more corrupt you become. Children like Harper are uncared for, untouched, and desperate to be seen so much so that when they realize they will never get what they want, they lean on things that will help them forget. Even if it's just for a small moment.

Harper hasn't found herself leaning on drugs or alcohol, but she leans on people. You can find her daydreaming of everyone just absolutely adoring her, thinking of her as the most perfect girl in the world. She tries her very best to make everyone and everything happy, she wants them to see her as if she were flawless. Except for her family, she could care less about what they think of her. Now she dreams of endless adventures with her new friends, she hopes she can ride along smoothly and never cause an issue, never be a problem.

What then? She asks herself, walking up to the blue truck. What happens if I do something wrong? When they dislike me...who can I go to? I have no one left.

She gets in and the first thing she sees is Luka's head against the window, eyes shut as he naps soundlessly. Then Malakai turns around, his eyes trying their hardest to look cute but it's obvious they've been open since three a.m., "Morning kiddo."

"Is it?" Harper asks, sitting down as she glances at Luka.

Malakai smirks, looking back at the road as he sets off the break. Aster, being oddly still, makes Harper think she's asleep too until she turns her head to Malakai, her soft profile showing through the loose strings of her light hair, "Go to the gas station."

He nods and rolls down the windows, allowing that morning humidity to sweep inside. The smell of dew on freshly cut grass enters their noses.

One part of Luka's hair bends over the other side of his middle part, the wind messing it up a little. His profile is slightly softer than Malakai's but harder than Aster's, his body could be described as slimmer and lean. His hands are more harsh, long fingers decorated in silver, bone placement that makes them look rigid and muscular, the artistic idea of anger.

The truck eventually matches up in between lines and parks, the smell of gasoline now in their noses.

Aster turns around completely to Harper, "Come with me. I don't like going inside this creepy place alone."

"Okay." She takes the offer quickly. No such thing as no when it comes to them. She jumps out of the truck with her, following behind like she's glued to her.

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