"Wow... You are the favorite of #1, you are even more fucking amazing than I thought!" Mitsuki exclaimed loudly, with a wide smile.

"Thank you Aunty. It took me by surprise too..." Izumi replied shyly.

"Izu-chan, maybe you shouldn't fight any more? Your hands are all bandaged up..." Inko said, surprising her daughter and friend.

"Finally! Someone with at least a bit of common sense entered my domain!" Recovery Girl stated in the background.

"Mom, it's really important to me. I can't give up half way, not after so many people believed in me." The younger greenette replied, looking her mother into eyes.

"Well... If you are sure... But please be more careful." Inko said, hugging her daughter in return.

"Damn it! Give me back my hope!" The older woman once again exclaimed, seemingly to herself.

"The third fight of quarter finals will begin shortly! Monoma Neito versus Yaoyorozu Momo! Who will win, the copycat or the princess of creation? Let's see for ourselves!" Present Mic's voice sounded from a TV hanged in the room.

"Oh, it's Momo-san's turn already? Did Melissa-san win her match?" Izumi perked up, looking to the screen. The two called combatants walked out of the opposite sides of the arena going to the ring under heavy ovations from the crowds.

"Yes, Melissa-chan won with your classmate. All of your friends seem so amazing." Inko replied in a bit of awe. She felt extremely happy that her little girl was at long last making friends, not to mention how powerful all of them were.

"But how will that girl defeat that blonde brat? He used three different quirks in the last match." Mitsuki asked, but was a bit puzzled seeing the young greenette sweat drop and smile a bit.

"Momo-san isn't someone you should underestimate. She has more options in her arsenal than the whole heroic course put together." Izumi replied, she decided that there was no reason to tell the two grown ups that her black haired friend was on a warpath and decided to curb stomp her opponent.

The camera showed up Midnight, again standing on Izuku's arm. Seemingly she decided that it was safer there, after her unforeseen shower in lubricants.

"Are you two ready?" She asked, getting a nod from Monoma. Momo was smiling like an angel, and confirmed with a small nod too.

"Begin!" The sexy heroine announced, striking out with her whip.

"It would be good if you decided to withdrawn Momo-chan. I don't want to hurt you." Monoma immediately stated, quite happy in himself that the raven haired girl was smiling like that to him.

"Oh? But what if I want to hurt you?" Momo replied, her arm starting to glow.

"... Eh?" He asked dumbly, and had only half a second to start using Steel. His opponent took out a shotgun identical to the one she used in the second event, and after pumping it once she fired immediately aiming straight into his face. This time the whole weapon seemed a bit bigger, and when the bean bag bullet struck him in between his eyes he was pushed back by the impact.

Momo didn't seem fazed by that at all and still with a beautiful smile pumped the weapon again and took aim, this time significantly lower. Seeing that her opponent used a defensive ability she started to leisurely walk closer, firing the weapon.

Feeling an impact to his groin the blonde man reacted instinctively covering his family jewels, but after two more hits he realized that Tetsutetsu's quirk protected him fully. Starting to get angry at his opponent, Monoma moved closer to meet with the still firing at him girl in the middle of the ring.

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