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Taehyung started running infront of us and Jimin, Namjoon and Jungkook had the back covered. Alpine and Aries covered the sides.

We stopped at a divergent road.

"Which side?",asked Hoseok.
"I can't seem to recall it. This is where my head hit the floor when I was being dragged."

Polo went close to Taehyung and ruffled his hair near his forehead.

"You bled from here, you got a scratch. The path where you see blood stains.",said Polo.
"This side?",asked Jimin, indicating towards the left.
"It has to be left. We took all right turns, which did not lead us to Jin. That makes sense!",I said.

We scurried to the left end.

"I remember, I remember. There!",he said pointing at the big black door.
"Hundred percent."

Jungkook went close to the door and tried listening to what was happening inside. We wanted no unnecessary chaos.

On listening, his eyes went wide.

"What?",I asked.
"That man, he's named P'yong something, I couldn't hear. He wants Jin Hyung for pleasure and not just money...."
"I told you noona, he had to be gay.",said Taehyung.
"We barge in?",asked Aries.

"Y/n, you have to do something fast. Jin Hyung rejected him. That P'yong something said he'll kill Jin otherwise.."
"Yes....!",said Jungkook.
"Can you break it?",I asked.
"Maybe we all can..",said Jimin as Jungkook,Jimin and Taehyung aligned themselves with the door, ready to break in.
"1...",said Jungkook, all the three swaying there body to gain hold of the force.
"2...",said Taehyung, a last swing before the final hit.
"3 break!",said Jimin as all the three bang-pushed the door hard, breaking in abruptly.

The man had pointed his gun towards Jin and was about to press the trigger. Suddenly time became slow for me. I could see everything around me.

I saw how my team's eyes went wide in fear.
I heard their screams at the scene.
I saw Jin closing his eyes tightly.

"I'll follow you even to afterlife.....",I felt as if Jin was speaking to me.

This all was happening at a blink of eye but I was frozen in time.

Without thinking about anything, I ran to pull Jin, not knowing if I would even be able to succeed.

That one millisecond was taking years to pass. I pushed Jin and saw the bullet which was about to hit me when something blocked it.

I closed my eyes and then opened it the very next second to see Alpine and Aries, together making a shield with the heavy wooden door......

(End of Y/n's POV)

(Narrator's POV)

"Gaurds!",shouted P'yong Chong-ho.
"Y/n!",shouted Jin.

Y/n looked at her besties and they gave her a nod before the war broke out.

The gaurds started to enter the huge room, Jungkook,Jimin and Taehyung were ready with their guns, Namjoon loaded a new set of cartridge on his repeater. Aries and Alpine moved away, breaking the shield and exposing Y/n to the hideously looking men with full arm tattoos and bulked up bodies.

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