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The song of love was sang on a repeat till our throats ached but it didn't have an effect. Alpine moved to no stimuli.

She was laying on the bed, motionless..

I was too late to reach her. I was way too late to save her.

I was useless. I know I'm worthless.

What sister am I? I couldn't save the little angel of my life who made it a life all these years.

What am I without my two naughty devils?

Aries was broken.

"Trisha....",called out Aries
"Hmm....",I sighed...
"You remember this Trisha?",asked Aries, opening her necklace which was made by her and Al on my 15th birthday, 10 years of us being together...
"I do...",I said, opening my necklace.

It was a heart, broken in three equal parts. I had the blue stone piece with "Best" written on it and underneath Trisha. Aries had the pink stone piece with "Forever" written on it and underneath Aries.

But both pieces don't join even a little without the center triangular piece, the cyan one with "Friends" written on it which belonged to Alpine.

It was a true case of us. Without one of us, the diamond trio, the heart is incomplete and the most important piece herself was going to a place where we may not meet...

Just like the heart was broken in pieces for good, my heart, our hearts, all were broken in million pieces...

Everyone left me and Aries alone with Alpine. Jimin and Taehyung picked up Jungkook because he had blacked out with the high anxiety and pressure.

We sat on the floor for hours....
"Hm...",she said with red eyes, swelled up face and tears...
"Let's see Alpine the last time.. we have to leave. We have to tell Dad...",I said with a heavy sigh.

She nodded and I pulled her up. We sat beside Alpine and held our piece of the heart tightly.

"Al.. don't forget us please...",I said
"Al... You remember that time when I cried because I was shifting to New Zealand for work and you two wouldn't be coming... I cried then. We cried then. You remember our conversation that day? You all shifted a week later and to where I was staying, to where I was working......",said Aries

"Al that day we didn't want to leave eachother, we don't even today but you are already leaving us....",cried Aries
"Al... Wherever you go, remember we still seek to see you. We still wait for you. We still love you. No matter where you are, what you are, how you are, our love for you will never end. We'll never compromise our love. You left us, the two insignificant pieces of the heart alone. The heart will never be the same without you......",I said clenching my piece even harder...
"Al... We shall leave our heart with you....",said Aries...
"Keep it here Aries. When we next come, maybe she won't even hear us..."

We put our two insignificant heart pieces on the table next to her and move out of the room.

The whole night had passed.

Jin didn't let go off me for a second and Aries was in Namjoon's hug the whole time.

Jungkook had been blacked out the whole night and didn't even wake in the morning. Jimin and Taehyung kept by him just like what we did..

It was 6:00 AM when the nurse woke us up...

"Madam... Your friend..."
"Huh? Friend? Alpine?"
"Yes ma'am..."
"What happened to her?"
"You might like to see yourself..."

I pulled Aries to the room and saw that the broken heart was joined by the last piece.

"The heart rate monitor...",gasped Aries

Waiting Alone...✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant