
54 23 14

(Y/n's POV)

"Wooooaaaahhhh!!",we almost screamed as Jin drove the car down the mountainous terrain. We were literally sliding down the hill...

"Jin be careful...!",I shouted..
"I am...!",he said as the car now started flying in the sky. The ground below the wheels was over!

I closed my eyes shut as Jin landed the car on the street, proceeding to take a bootleg turn...

The wheels turned 180 degrees and the car was almost on the two left wheels, the right ones above the ground level.

It all left like an action movie..

We landed straight and Jin accelerated to reach the house faster.

The Jam would waste a minimum 30 minutes but we reached the house in 15 minutes.

"Get down... Run!",said Jin, stopping the car infront of the house.

I opened the door and ran straight to the main door. It was locked from inside. Jimin,Aries and Namjoon were also here and they were trying to open the door.

"Break the window...!",shouted Jin
"But...",said Jimin, hesitant to damage his hyung's property.
"It can be fixed Jimin. We're not losing the glass. If we delay, We'll lose Alpine. Fast..!", announced Jin.

Jimin nodded and broke the window to enter. We all entered the house to see Jungkook with a bleeding arm rushing down the stares as Alpine lost her balance to fall on the ground...

"Alpine!!!",I shouted...
"Alpine!",shouted Aries
"Alpine!!!",shouted Jungkook, loudest of all..

Alpine was on the floor, a puddle of blood spilt everywhere. Alpine blacked out and Jungkook rushed straight to her. Hoseok and Yoongi also had ran down to the spot.

"Pick her up, Pick her up!",shouted Yoongi

Jungkook looked from his left to right, absorbing the instructions as he pulled Alpine up, her face on his chest, her blood painting Jk's pale white shirt,red.

Jin opened the door and Jungkook ran with Alpine on his chest to the hospital.

"Hoseok-ah... The keys!",shouted Jin as Hobi threw him a new car key.

Yoongi rushed out of the garage with a SUV. All of us hurried to the hospital in our cars. Although we had stil bodies, our hearts be popping out of the chest.

We reached the hospital and I must say, Jk ran faster than ever.

"Doctor she needs to be admitted right now!",shouted Jungkook, still carrying the poisoned Alpine.
"What's the matter?",asked Jin on reaching the reception.
"Sir this is a police case. We ca-"
"This the Daughter of Commando Daniel Throndsen, Korea's hero. Admit her at this moment.", thundered Yoongi.
"Umm.. okay, okay sir.. Ward Boy, bring the stretcher..!",shouted the Doctor.

The stretcher was brought and they rushed Alpine to the ICU. Aries and Namjoon patiently waited for the doctor to come whereas I was turning restless.

The doctor came out of the room and Jungkook almost hopped on him, holding his hands.

"Doctor... Alpine? My Al? What's..."
"I'm sorry sir....",said the Doctor with a deep sigh.
"What!",I said in a hurry.
"I'm sorry sir, ma'am. I did my best but I don't think the patient can be saved. Everything depends on God now. I've given the medicine, did everything I could but she may not live.. I'm sorry...",said the Doctor before leaving us alone.

Jungkook fell on his knees. He clenched his aching heart. He was suffering.

Aries lost her balance but Namjoon safely made her sit on the bench. She was suffering.

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