Be Ware

47 20 39

(Jimin's POV)

The road diverged into two. After an approx 10 seconds, I shall no more be able to spot Namjoon hyung's car.

The road I was taking was the riskiest yet the safest path. Namjoon Hyung went through the city, one of safest for a car, Jin Hyung and Taehyung took the flyover. Although that was a straight way, in excessive car rush, any of the cars had a chance of falling off the bridge.

My way went the same direction as Jin Hyung's without many turns but through the forest. I not only was being chased by a group of cars but also had the risk of burglars.

"Jimin-ah, what's the speed?",asked Jungkook.
"80 Kmph."
"Drive faster. The cars are at a close proximity."
"I can't drive any faster. The road is slippery...."
"But they're getting near...."
"Wait. You two be ready for firing...."
"We are already...",said Alpine.

I drove steadily through the dark forest road. The damp and nebulous atmosphere made it difficult to focus on the slight details of the lush green forest which were now black because of no lights.

The smell of the moist soil along with the swirling gazes were no less than another predicament.

"Jimin...",called Alpine.
"The cars are way too close, you have to risk speed..."
"Close?",I said as I turned a little to look at how close the cars were now. I had to risk speed.
"Alright, clutch tight...",I said, pulling the gear and accelerating the car. With a certain vroom, my car took up the speed.
"Al...",said Jungkook as the two younger loaded their revolvers. The men behind us were ready to shoot us.

"Jimin, at this rate, we have to camouflage just the way Jin had said. Toss the car at an 80° angle to your right and take a reverse gear.", instructed Alpine.
"We shoot?",asked Jungkook.
"Yep...!",said Alpine pulling the loader and aiming. Jungkook loaded his gun and aimed...
"At the count of three Jimin-ah, Hana... Dul..... Set!",said Jungkook as I tossed the car at an 80° angle. A loud screeching noise of the tires was heard as I changed the gear and accelerated. I turned the headlights off to not get spotted and went inside the forest.

Loud gunshots were echoing in the silent road through the woods.

"Take the right Alpine....!",said Jungkook as Alpine changed the bullet cartridge and shot towards her right, one of the drivers dieing and the others misleaded for a momentum.

"Shs...",I hushed Alpine and Jungkook as the cars stopped a little far from our car, our car still hidden.

Alpine and Jungkook shut speaking and all of us kept a watch for any rogues.

I loaded my gun and prepared to fire irrespective of the fact that my car glass will break with a bullet.

I heard their car doors open. They looked at their surroundings a little and got back on their car.

We waited for some time until we felt all the lights were gone.

"I think they lost us..."
"They didn't....",said Jungkook.
"Look there, that man."
"That man is still standing there...."
"What do we do?"
"Maybe go through the forest....",said Alpine.
"That should go through Seongnam..."
"Is that a problem?",asked Jungkook.
"No... Okay, no problem. After that we'll ride on the highway..."
"Works...",said Alpine.

(End of Jimin's POV)

(Jin's POV)

"Hyung.....", whispered Taehyung from the other side of the call.
"Hmm...?",I said, my voice some octaves deeper.
"The cars are still following us..."
"I can see that. Don't worry, they'll just follow us. This is the reason I removed Alpine and Aries. They know more than they should...."
"What do you mean?!",said Y/n, looking strucked with anger.
"What? The cars will chase them and try to frighten them but they're the powerful people of the group. If they change roads, none of those cars gon' go to no less hell. I'm sure they have killed them by now. But if they drive on the same road as ours, in an attempt to create terror, a lot can happen to all of us..."
"The way you said almost made me think you were a part of them and wanted to kill them..",said both Hoseok and Y/n.
"Woah, guys, why would I try to hurt my own family? The cars are not going to do anything to us. Y/n, didn't you say that my alleged father might have reached Yoongi's house already?"
"I did but..."
"I am sure they are already at Yoongi's place and they have also destroyed the letter..."
"But then why are we heading there?",asked Polo.
"Because there's where I will get them. Y/n is right. The person knows me well. He always knows where I'm going, what I'm doing. It's because he's constantly watching over me. He has a strange will to finish everyone but me. If he had to kill me, Dr. Lee would have killed me long before that. Dr. Lee never intended in killing me. And as long as you all are with me, he can't harm atleast the 5 of you...."
"Why would you think so?",asked Taehyung.
"Taehyung he can't acquire any of our properties. We all have a legal written will. He wants me for something more than just my property."
"Then why would he try to harm us...?"
"He did not exactly put much cyanide in their beverages. You remember
Y/n-ah, I asked you to leave, he wanted that. He wants to do anything that will make me alone. Yoongi, do you remember what exactly was written on that letter?"
"Hmm... Not much. I just remember him revealing his identity to me and telling that my father was in his captivity. Other than that.... Some numbers."
"Numbers?",asked Y/n.
"Wait, those numbers can mean a lot...",said Polo and Hoseok.
"You should say that before...",I scolded Yoongi.
"I don't remember the numbers....",said Yoongi.
"It's okay...."
"The cars are still following us. How long?"
"We're entering Ansan. We'll be there soon.",I said as I connected Namjoon and Jimin.

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