Chapter 16: Visiting the Underworld

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3rd Person P.O.V

Y/n and the ORC along with the SC are inside the Gremory Train going to the Underworld. Sirzech's requested them to come so they could all train with their powers.

Y/n is playing cards with Kiba and Saji while Koneko is sitting on his lap, eating chocolate. Rias and Sona are playing chess while their Queen's watched them. Xenovia and Asia were chatting with each other about their lives before they became Devils and Gasper playing with a Nintendo Switch I gave him while sitting inside a box.

Y/n: That's my fifth win in a row.

Kiba: Is there anything that can defeat you?

Saji: I bet if we played Tekken 7 you wouldn't stand a chance against me.

Y/n: You became addicted to that game huh?

Kiba: Yeah, every time he comes to the mansion he always wants to play that.

Saji: Hey, it's not like everyone can afford that you know.

Speaker: Next stop is the Sitri Domain

Sona: Looks like this is it for us. We'll see you in a few weeks, Rias.

Rias: Yes Sona, you too.

She then looks over at Y/n

Sona: I'll see you in a few weeks, Y/n~

Y/n: Yeah, I'll see you soon.

She kissed Y/n passionately shocking the entire SC except for Tsubaki who just smiled.

Saji: Sona?! Why did you kiss him?!

Sona: Because he's my future husband.

SC members: WHAT!!

Sona: I'll explain everything later. We have to go now.

She and the SC got off the train while we just wave goodbye.

Speaker: Next destination: The Gremory Domain

Y/n: I wonder how big is Gremory's Domain?

Kiba: Just imagine the size of the capital of Japan.

Y/n: That big huh? I was expecting bigger than Japan.

Y/n got up and walked over to Xenovia and Asia to check on them.

Y/n: Hey, how you two doing?

Xenovia: I'm fine. I'm just kinda sad because I didn't get any Gifts from you.

Y/n: O-Oh my bad. I kinda forgot about you because I didn't see you when Asia was kidnapped.

Xenovia: I guess that was my fault. I was in my room asleep the whole day because I never felt a bed that comfy before.

Y/n: You'll get used to it. You living life now and don't worry, I'll come up with something to give you. How about you Asia? Are you okay?

Asia: Yes I'm fine. It's just...I've never been to the Underworld before.

Xenovia: Me too. I only thought that you can only go if you die.

Y/n: It's just the same back at Earth except for sky color. Excuse me, I'll go ge-

The Train instantly stopped knocking everyone to the ground while Y/n got sandwiched between Akeno's chest.

Akeno: I don't know what happened, but I kinda like it~

Y/n(Muffled): Akeno kindly gets off me, please.

Gasper: W-What just happened?

???: We just had an emergency brake. 

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