Chapter 10: Parents Day

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3rd Person P.O.V

After the event at the pool, Y/n and the others went back to the clubhouse where Xenovia was explaining to the others about her baby-making issue.

Xenovia: We were just making babies. What's wrong with that?

Rias: Okay FIrst, you cannot get pregnant yet, wait until you graduate. Secondly, I will give my virginity to Y/n and he gives his to me

Akeno: Ara~ Ara~, President is getting bolder and bolder

Kiba: I never thought that the President would act like this, hehe

Koneko: Onii-chan's... Virginity...

Asia: What's virginity?

Issei: Uhh, don't worry about that Asia. It's nothing

Mai: My~ So lewd

Y/n: Lord helps me.

???: It seems that all of you are having fun here

Sirzechs appeared by the door along with Grayfia. Everyone kneels down except for Y/n, Rias, Mai, Nobara, and Xenovia which she walked in front of him like she knows the guy

Sirzechs: You must be Xenovia. I actually couldn't believe it when they said that the wielder of Durandal is in my sister's peerage, serve my sister well

Xenovia: If the great Devil King requests it, then I shall grant it.

Rias: Why are you here, brother?

Sirzechs: You didn't know? It's parents day and I've come to see you work at your studies

Rias: Grayfia did you tell him?

Grayfia: ...

Sirzechs: Father will come here too. To see you doing your studies

Rias: Shouldn't you be doing your job as a Devil King?

Sirzechs: This also counts as a Devil King's job. I'm also here to inspect your school because we will be having the 3 faction meeting here

TImeskip - Y/n P.O.V

I was in class and there's a block of clay on my desk, we're probably going to make something.

Teacher: Alright class, you can make any kind of figure you want with your clay. You may begin

Y/n(mind): Anything I want huh?

I close my eyes and my hands begin to form the clay

Teacher: Very Impressive Mr. L/n, now that's what I call Art.

I open my eyes and everyone was amazed by my figure. It was me wearing a kimono while standing atop of skulls holding Playful Cloud over my shoulder.

Girl 1: Omg! Y/n looks so badass!!

Girl 2: That pose, that arm, and that weapon. This is definitely an art!

Girl 3: Y/n, I will give you 5,000 yen for that

Girl 4: Y/n, I'll pay you 6,000 yen and I will treat you to lunch.

Girl 5: Y/n, if you give me that, I will give you anything~ you~ want.~

All the girls began to argue with each other

Y/n: Sorry ladies, but it's already sold

All girls: To who?!

Y/n: Rias

Everyone got shocked and some girls were about to cry but I reassured them I'll make them one sometime. Then all of the boys were at Issei's desk wanting to buy his figure. I look over and saw a figure of Momo(My Hero Academia).

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